Winfield W. Salisbury - Writings and
Winfield W. Salisbury was
born on December 27, 1903.
Winfield died on October 21, 1999
at 95 years old.
(Section is being redone! It will
return shortly!)
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sections that are available.
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(C- SMECC Archives)
Early Years of Winfield Salisbury!
Salisbury at the University of Iowa.
Salisbury - The Lawrence Years
- Harvard Radio Lab
Salisbury - SCR-584 Jamming
Salisbury Visits Los Alamos
Salisbury At Collins Radio (Being redone!)
Microwave Oven At Iowa State Fair
California Research and Development Company
Gray Scientific Division of the Remler Company 1956-1958:
Salisbury At Zenith Radio Research Corporation Salisbury At
VARO - Garland Texas
Scans of news articles many un-dated
Winfield W. Salisbury
Patents U.S. and Abroad
Winfield W.
Salisbury, Sc. D.
(From A Booklet found in
the Collection)
Winfield W.
Salisbury, B.A., Sc. D., was born in Carthage, Illinois on December 27,
1903; son of Mormon parents, Herbert Spencer and Leona G..(Scott)
Married to Elma
M. Stone since December 22, 1928.
Winfield W. II, Sylvia Leona, William Alan,
April Carina.
Attended Texas A
& M College; B.A., University of Iowa, 1926; University of
California (Berkeley); Sc. D., Cornell College, 1950.
1978 to Date:
Energy Profiles Inc., 121 E. Chelsea Circle, Newton Square, Penna.,
Director' of Nuclear Research, Development and Patents.
Six U.S. Patents allowed and sixty-four
Foreign patent applications pending during 1983.
1977 to Date:
Magnafrac Research and Development, 2201 Scott Ave., Fort
Worth, Texas. Director of Research and
Four U.S. and
nine Foreign Patents allowed, with six applications pending relative
to Drilling and Perforating of oil/gas well bore holes using
high-powered laser technology.
Occidental Research Corp., Division of Occidental Petroleum Company, 2100
S.E. Main Street, Irvine, California. Nuclear Physics Consultant.
Multiple Patents allowed and pending
relative to nuclear fusion produced by deuterium bombardment of fusible
Winfield died on October 21, 1999 at 95 years old. |
1965-1977: Harvard College Observatory and Smithsonian
Astrophysical Observatory, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
1958-1965: Varo, Inc., Garland, Texas, Research and Development
in Radiation Weapons for U.S. Air Force; Chief Scientist.
1956-1958: Zenith Radio Research Corporation, Salisbury Laboratory,
Redwood City, California, Director of Research in Nuclear Fusion and magnetic confinement 2.5-million gauss magnetic field.
1954-1955: Gray Scientific Division of the Remler Company, San
Francisco, California, Director of Research. Patents and Development of first digital radio receiver.
1952-1955: California Research and Development
Company, Livermore, California, Chief Nuclear Physicist. Invented process for
converting U-238 and thorium to nuclear fission fuel, which led to development of Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.
1952; University of California (Berkeley), Mackay Professor of
Electrical Engineering.
1945-1951: Collins Radio, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Director of Research
Developed microwave
Designed, built and operated two (2) cyclotrons for Atomic Energy Commission, also 50' radio
telescope for the U. S. Navy - still in use at the Naval Research Lab.
Invented, developed and manufactured radio sextant still in
use by U. S. Navy.
1942-1945: Harvard Research Radio Laboratory, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, Group Coordinator and Member of the Governing Board.
Designer and builder of UHF ultra high-powered radio jamming
transmitter used to eliminate German airborne night fighter radar. (power increase of 1,000 to lover previous methods)
1942-1945: Inventor, designer and builder of 800,000 watt noise
modulated VHF transmitter for jamming German Fighter Command on "D" day at Brighton, England.
1942-1945: Inventor and developer of the use of "chaff" (alurninurn foil strips) for interfering with German Anti-Aircraft Radar.
( believe this was for the 'tuning of chaff' -eas)
1942-1945: Inventor and developer of countermeasures against
German rocket-powered glide bomb (German measles) .
1941-1942: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Radiation
Laboratory, Group Leader of Radio Frequency Group.
Invented first non-reflective coating for Radar pulses (known as Salisbury Screen) ,first non-contacting rotary joints for Radar waveguides and
transmission lines, first choke connector for waveguides and first gas discharge switch for
microwave Radar.
1937-1941: Radiation Laboratory, University of California
Introduced first "high-Q" circuits in cyclotrons and designed
and built 350,000 volts R.F. into 60" cyclotron at Berkeley.
Designed and built first 200,000 watt parasitic-free oscillator for
1931-1936: Radio Sound Recording, Hollywood, California, Consulting
Designed and built first inverse feed-back audio amplifier and revolutionary new concept in condenser microphones.
1930-1931: Hollywood Film Enterprises, Chief Recording Engineer,
Hollywood, California.
1928-1930: Sound Movies and Phonograph Recording, Consulting
1927-1928: University of California (Berkeley), Assistant Teacher
of Physics.
1926-1927: University of Iowa, Iowa City, Research Assistant
Physics Department. Developer of first practical 300 megahertz CW
In 1949 Harvard Astronomical Annual cited Dr. Salisbury for his
investigations of the lunar surface by microwaves as one of the ten outstanding contributors to astronomy.
The Presidential Certificate of Merit, 1951, and Certificates of Merit from Massachusetts Institute
of Technology and Harvard University for work with the Office of Scientific Research and Development,
National Defense Research Committee, were conferred on Dr. Salisbury.
Organizational memberships include: Fellow of the Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Fellow of the American Physical Society, Fellow of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science, Fellow of the American Astronautical Society, Member of the American Astronomical Society, Member of the Optical
Society of America, Member of the Optical Society of Texas, Member of the New York Academy of Science, Member of Sigma Xi, and Cosmos
Club of Washington. Member Explorers Club New York, N.Y.
Dr. Salisbury has served as consultant to many commercial
organizations including General Motors, Ford Motor Company, Westinghouse, Lockheed, Raytheon, Arthur D. Little plus non-profit organizations
such as M.I.T., University of California Radiation Laboratory, Carnegie Institution and the Rand Corp. "think-tank".
A few of Dr. Salisbury's contributions to basic science are early
design and construction and development of cyclotrons; research and working designs for high power vacuum tubes, including those
vacuum tubes developed between 1941 and 1945 to jam enemy (German) radar; development of the still in operation Naval Research
Laboratory fifty-foot radar telescope; thermal observation of the Moon surface using microwaves which led to the first significant theory,
by Dr. Salisbury, of
dust on the lunar surface, as later verified by the Apollo Project; contributor to the construction and
operation of the M.T.A. accelerator at the Livermore Branch of Lawrence Radiation Laboratory where he worked with Dr. Lawrence from 1952-
1955; and the basic new design concept of the high power vacuum tubes for the linear accelerator at the University of Minnesota.
Other contributions included his membership in, and contributions
to Project Troy and Project Lamp Light at M.l.T. and Project East River for Associated Universities.
Dr. Salisbury has recently completed a series of research projects
on the generation of visual light from the oscillation of free electrons and the effect of simulated lightning on meteoric dust.
He is currently involved in basic research in methods of nuclear
fusion, the transmission and reception of communication gravity waves, advance general relativity theory, advanced and new
commercial applications of extremely high powered Laser particularly relating to the fields of drilling and perforating deep wells and
in the permanent safe disposal of nuclear waste.
Dr. Salisbury is listed in numerous "Who's Who" publications
such as "Who's Who in
the World", "Who's Who in America", "American. Men of Science" and "Who's Who in Space".
He has authored many technical papers and is the holder of numerous United States and
foreign patents.
1936 Observations on Capacitive Character of Human Body
in Electrocardiograph Circuits, M. Papers, Christian Birthday
Volume, pp 76-86, 1936, New York. (with H. Rosenblum.)
1939 An Improved Magnetostriction Oscillator, Review
of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 10, p 142, April, 1939, New York (with C.
W. Porter.)
An Efficient Piezo-Electric Oscillator, Review of Scientific
Instruments, Vol. 10, p 269, September, 1939, New York. (with C. W.
Initial Performance of the 60-inch Cyclotron of the Wm. N. Crocker Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Physical
Review, Vol. 56, p 124, July to 'December, 1939, New York. (with E. O.
Lawrence and others.)
Modified Arc Source for the Cyclotron, Physical Review, Vol. 56,
p 836, October, 1939, New York. (with E.M. McMillan.)
1946 The Resnatron, Electronics, Vol. 19, pp
92-97, February,
1946, New York. High Power Tubes for VHF Operation, Communications,
Vol. 26, no. 6, p 33, June, 1946, New York.
1947 A Theory of the
Origin of Cosmic Rays, Colloques du Internationaux, Entre National de la Recherche
Scientifique, p 31, September, 1947, Lyon. (with D. H. Menzel.)
Accelerators for Heavy Particles, Nucleonics, Vol. 1, no. 3, pp 34-44, November, 1947, New York.
1948 Audio-Frequency Radio Waves From the Sun, Nature,
Vol. 161, P 91, January 17, 1948, London. (with D. H. Menzel.)
The Origin of Cosmic Rays, Nucleonics, Vol. 2, no. 4, pp 67-70,
April 1948,
New York. (with D.H. Menzel.)
1949 Exposure to Microwaves, Electronics, Vol. 22, pp 66-67, May, 1949, New York. (with J. W. Clark and H. M. Hines.)
1952 A New Kind of Radio Propagation at Very High Frequencies Over Long Distances, Physical Review, Vol. 86, pp 141-145, April 15, 1952, New York. (with D. K. Bailey, R. Bateman, L. V. Berhner, H. G. Booker, G. F. Montgomery, E. M. Purcell, J. B.
A New Type of Propagation, Transactions of the
Institute of
Radio Engineers, Professional
Group on Antennas and Propagation, No.4, pp 47-52,
December, 1952, New York (with C. H. Papas.)
Multi-phase Magnetic Propulsion of Projectiles, Proceedings of the Third Symposium
on_ Hypervelocity,
Vol. 1, p 553, February, 1959, published by Armour Research Foundation,
Chicago, Illinois.
1962 This Valve Generates Light
Waves, New Scientist, Vu 1. 16, No. 314, P 442, November, 1962, London.
1964 Nonlinear Effects in Radiation
Generation Through the Coupling of Electron Beams with Diffraction Gratings,
Conference on Non-linear Processes _in_ the Ionosphere, December
16-17, _1963, National Bureau of Standards, Technical
Notes, No. 211, Vol. v, P 111, April 4, 1964, Washington, D.
1966 A Method for Translunar Radio
Communication, Nature, Vol. 211, No. 5052, p 950, August 27, 1966, London.
Generation of Light from Free Electrons, Science, Vol. 154, No.
3748, P 386-388, October 21, 1966, Washington, D.
1968 The Properties of the Moon as a
Radio Lens, to be published by NASA Ames Research Center as part of the proceedings
of their Conference which was held in
June of 1968. Presented at Conference.
Radio Measurement of
the Internal Temperature of the Moon, Astronomical Journal, Vol.
73, No.2, supple 1357, March, 1968.
1969 Velocity of Gravitational Waves, Nature,
Vol. 224, November 22, 1969.
1970 Generation of Light from Free Electrons, Journal of
the Optical Society of America, Vol. 60,
No. 10, P 1279-1284, October, 1970.
Menzel, D. H. / 1, W.
W. Salisbury, and D. L. Fernald /_2: A System for Recording the Polarization of Extended Astronomical
Objects. Applied Optics, 9, 2648-2649, 1970.
Salisbury, W. W.: The properties of the Moon as a Radio Lens. In Electromagnetic
Exploration of the Moon, ed. W. I. Linlor. Mono Book Corp.,
217-228, 1970
1971 Salisbury, W. W. and D. L. Fernald /_
2: Subsurface Temperatures of the Moon. J. Astronautical Sci., 18, 236-243, 1971.
Salisbury, W. W. and D. L. Fernald /_2: Post-Occultation Reception of Lunar Ship
Endeavour Radio Transmission. Nature, 234, 95, 1971.
Menzel, D. H. /_1
W. W. Salisbury: Pulsar Radiation as a Magnetic-Dipole Synchrotron Emission. (Abstract).
Memoires _de la Societe Royal des Sciences _de Liege, 6th
Series, 5, 219, 1973
Salisbury, W. W. and D. L. Fernald /_2:
Post-Occultation Reception of
Lunar Ship America Radio Transmission. Nature, 242, 601, 1973.
1974 Salisbury, W. W., and Donald H.
Menzel /_ 1: The Gyron Field, A Gravitational Analogue of Magnetic Force, Nature, 1975.
/ 1
H. Menzel - Professor Emeritus of Astronomy; previously Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University, and
Diretor of Harvard
Observatory. (deceased)
2 D. L. Fernald - Assistant to
Dr. Salisbury at Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
1,869,715 Wave Filter Impedance
Coupled Amplifier Aug. 2, 1932
2,437,482 High-Frequency Electrical
Transmission Line Mar. 9, 1948
2,451,876 Radio-Frequency Joint Oct.
19, 1948
2,489,436 Method and Apparatus for
Producing Neutrons Nov. 29, 1949
2,492,324 Cyclotron Oscillator System
Dec. 27, 1949
2,509,045 Ultra High Frequency
Radiation Indicating System May 23, 1950
2,541,836 Inner Conductor Joint for Coaxial Lines Feb.13, 1951
2,547,412 High-Frequency Mixer Apr. 3, 1951
2,562,319 Electron Discharge Device of the Cavity Resonator Type with Feedback
Jul.31, 1951
2,591,012 Electron Tube of the High-Frequency and
High-Power Type Apr. 1, 1952
2,597,752 Thermoelectric Power Generator May 20, 1952
2,599,944 Absorbent Body for Electromagnetic
Waves Jun.10, 1952
2,605,357 Power Divider Circuit Jul.29, 1952
2,609,449 Cavity Resonator Sep. 2, 1952
2,634,372 Super High-Frequency Electromagnetic
Wave Generator Apr. 7, 1953
2,659,000 Variable Frequency Cyclotron Nov.10, 1953
2,669,653 Cyclotron Tuning Apparatus Feb.16, 1954
2,688,107 Electron Beam Device Aug.31, 1954
2,691,118 Extremely High Frequency Electronic
Devices Oct. 5, 1954
2,760,103 Multiple Mode Excitation Apparatus Aug.211
2,785,265 Inductor Mar.12, 1957
2,866,917 Electromagnetic Wave Generator Dec.30, 1958
2,870,675 Acceleration Amplifier Jan.27, 1959
2,939,998 Direct Radiation Vacuum Tube Jun. 7, 1960
2,963,669 Air-Core Transformer Dec. 6, 1960
2,976,533 A Radar Antenna with a Huge Reflector Mar.21, 1961
3,024,394 Low Inductance Condenser Mar. 6, 1962
3,059,149 Plasma Accelerator Oct.16, 1962
3,211,570 Process of Making Sine Wave Gratings Oct.12, 1965
3,214,690 Device for
Converting from Radio Frquency Power to Power Frequency Power Oct,26, 1965
3,437,862 Method and Apparatus for the Production of
Controlled Deuterium Fusion Apr. 8, 1969
3,998,281 Earth Boring Method Employing High Powered Laser and
Alternate Fluid Pulses. (Salisbury-Stiles) Dec. 21,
3,936 Saudi Arabian Patent notice re: U.S.
3,998,281 and 4,066,138 Mar.23, 1977
849,646 Belgium Patent re: U.S. 3,998,281
and 4,066,138 Jun. 6, 1977
17,801 Iranian Patent re: U.S. 3,998,281
and 4,066,138 Sep.24, 1977
4,066,138 Earth Boring Apparatus Employing
High Powered Laser (Salisbury-Stiles) Jan. 3, 1978
722 Peru Patent re: U.S. 3,998,281 and
4,066,138 May 9, 1978
1,053,219 Canadian Patent re: U.S. 3,998,281
and 4,066,138 Apr.24, 1979
1,570,700 United Kingdom Patent re: U.S.
3,998,281 and 4,066,138 Apr.24, 1979
7,638,382 France Patent re: U.S. 3,998,281
and 4,066,138 Aug.20, 1979
144,822 Mexico Patent re: U.S. 3,998,281
and 4,066,138 Nov.24, 1981
PI-7608508 Brazil Patent re: U.S. 3,998,281
and 4,066,138 Jul.27, 1982
4,199,034 Method and Apparatus for Perforating Oil and Gas Wells Apr.22, 1980
4,282,940 Apparatus for Perforating Oil and Gas Wells Aug.1l, 1981
4,318,449 Electric Drive Propulsion System for Vehicles Mar. 9, 1982
"Particle-Induced Thermonuclear Fusion"
( DOC. 1 0 5 - 0 - 7 7 A) / 1
"High-Density Ion Source"
(DOC. 145-0-79) / 1
"Methods and
Apparatus for Producing Ion Utilizing Metal Foils"
(DOC. 61-0-80) /_1
"Multi-Stage Ion Beam Accelerator Driven by a Single Pulse
Line" (also Jorda and Phelps)
(Doc. 6-0-81) /_1
/1 Patents allowed but not yet assigned -- a patent number.
Photo Credit:
Photo taken in October, 1969 at Dr. Salisbury's Smithsonian
Astrophysical Lab., Cambridge,Mass.
Dr. Salisbury had publicly predicted in December,
1949, at the time he was made a fellow of the IRE (now IEEE) in Cedar
Rapids, Iowa that, "I expect to have a piece of Moon rock on my desk
for examination within 20 years". The object he is studying in the
photo is that piece of Moon rock.
Winfield W. Salisbury Showing spherical
focus to represent Luna effect on radio
waves at Harvard Observatory 1969. |
expansion on companies where Winfield Salisbury worked.
Film Enterprises- Bill Horsley Laboratory[edit]
In 1916 William Horsley withdrew from the Universal company and set up
the Bill Horsley Laboratory, later known as Hollywood Film Enterprises,
Inc., devoted exclusively to the developing and printing of 35 mm.
From the 1930s to the 1960s, Hollywood Film Enterprises diversified its
activities into the 16mm and 8mm "home movie" area. During those
years, they were the exclusive distributor of Walt
Disney's cartoons in 8mm and 16mm for home movie and "toy"
projectors. HFE also at various times offered Walter
Lantz and Hugh
Ising cartoons as well; along with home movie reels of Laurel
and Hardy, Gene
Autry, Roy
Rogers, various Hal
Roach and Al
Christie comedies, and a Tarzan
series edited from a silent era serial. They left the home movie business
in the 1960s when Disney withdrew their license and started their own home
movie division. The company was later known as Hollywood Film and Video,
William was David's silent
partner in "David Horsley Productions" (1916 to 1919) 17
films between) 1916 to 1919 listed in the Internet Movie Data base (IMDB)
and possibly the 55 films (1916 to 1919) released using "The Centaur
Film Company" Name. "Centaur Film Company", as a film
studio appears to have existed in Bayonne, New Jersey, until the
opening of Nestor Studios Hollywood in 1912. The name used again (1916 to
1919, by David Horsley after he sold his shares in Universal
Table 10.1
Cyclotroneers Recruited to the MIT Radiation Laboratory in 1940/1
At Rad Lab
First assignment
Last post(s)
Alvarez, L.
airborne radar, then gp ldr,
attack plane radar
div hd, Beacons
Bacher, R.
gp ldr, indicators
div hd, Receivers
Bainbridge, K.
gp ldr, modulators
div hd, Transmitters
DuBridge, L.
McMillan, E.
field testing
field testing
sonar lab
Pollard, E.
mbr, indicator design; proj. eng.,
coastal surveillance
ass div hd, Ground and Ships; mbr
steering com'tee
Ramsey, N.
gp ldr, magnetrons
liaison with Army Air Force
Salisbury, W.
gp ldr, rf components
gp ldr, rf components
Van Voorhis, S.
gp ldr, roof systems
gp ldr, x-band receivers
White, M.
mbr, pulser group
div hd, Airborne Systems; mbr,
steering com'tee
Source: Radiation Laboratory, Staff