
(Photo From Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory)
Posing with the newly completed
60-inch cyclotron in the Crocker Laboratory are
(left to right) Donald
Cooksey, D. Corson, Ernest O. Lawrence, R. Thornton,
J. Backus and W.
Salisbury and (on top) L. Alvarez and E. McMillan
(Note - WWS had dictated
this and someone had typed it... let us know if there are any terminology
misuses or misspellings Ed#)
I will always remember vividly my first real meeting
with Ernest O. Lawrence. I had met him casually at a physics seminar
several years before, but carried essentially zero impression from that
Professor Porter of the Berkeley U.C.
Chemistry Department arranged our real meeting. I
was trying to get back into the University where I felt my real future
lay. My position as Job Analyst for the Department of Labor had ended
suddenly and, since
I had been working evenings on ultrasonic effects in
chemistry with Professor Porter, I naturally suggested to him that I would
like to continue on an enlarged basis. This seemed natural because we had
published together and were having some success.
Porter explained sadly, I thought, that he had no
possible source of funds to support me because of the great depression. He
suggested, however, that I might find a place with Professor E. O.
Lawrence in Physics, as he seemed to be the only one in the university
supporting a large laboratory. Porter asked if I knew Lawrence, and I
replied that I had casually met him once and I was sure he would not
recognize me. Porter said, "All right I'll make a date for you and
leave it up to you."
The date to see Lawrence in his office was for
A.M. Saturday morning, March (
? ) 1937. I had heard of Lawrence's Cyclotron Atom
Smasher, as it was frequently referred to in the daily news. I, therefore,
thought it desirable to see his lab. I was conducted on a tour by one of
the research fellows on Friday and gained an exciting impression of
the lab activity and spirit of progress.
It was , therefore, in a
state of some excitement that I presented myself at
Lawrence's office at the appointed time on Saturday morning.
His secretary announced me and Lawrence came rapidly
from his inner office to greet me!
"So you're Salisbury," he
said, "Professor Porter tells me you want a job!
"Well, in the
first place, I have no jobs for anybody and in the second place you are
the last man on earth that I would hire if I had a
job.* I have heard of your reputation around the
Physics Department."
I replied, "Well, since that is
settled, would you be willing to talk for a few minutes
about your Cyclotron?"
"Well, yes," he said, "come in. Have you
looked around the lab?"
"Yes," I replied.
"What is your impression, what would you do to
improve it?"
"The main thing wrong," I said, "
is the resonating inductance for the 'Dee'," I
"How could that be improved and what results could
be expected?"
"You are using all your radio frequency energy
heating cooling water for a small-tubing inductance. The best inductance
would be a large coaxial line, but any way to make the inductance
conductors larger and of lower resistance would increase your 'Dee'
voltage with the same power input you now have."
"We made a model
of a coaxial
inductance, but it did not increase the 'Q' (resonance factor) of the
system as we expected. Did you see the model?"
"Yes, I saw the model, but it was all wrong.
Whoever made it could not calculate the 'Q' of the resonant frequency
correctly and so the design of the model which I saw is a failure."
"Can you calculate the 'Q' and the resonance
frequency correctly?"
"Yes," I replied, " I can, and I can
increase your 'Dee' voltage without requiring
any increase in power. It is true is it not that your beam of accelerated
ions increases in current very rapidly with increasing 'Dee'
"Yes, we can only get 40 kilovolts on the 'Dees'
with 100 kilowatts input. Some very good people have
worked hard on this. We need 50 kilovolts. Can you really increase that
"Yes," I said, "I can."
Lawrence said, "I've changed my mind. Come to work
Monday and I'll give you a two week trial at $100 per month."
So that Monday I appeared at 8:00 A.M.
at the Lawrence Laboratory to begin one of the most exciting and
rewarding experiences of my life.
When I returned home from my interview I was pale and
shaking. Elma said, "What's wrong? You look like a ghost."
"I got the job," I stuttered.
"Then what's wrong?"
"Don't you see, this is what I've always wanted,
and now I have to produce among the best scientific colleagues in the
world. There is no possible excuse for failure!"
During the next three weeks I worked at learning to run
the 37" cyclotron as a crew member and designing a crystal controlled
amplifier to drive the main cyclotron oscillator. At that time Lawrence
believed that frequency stability would improve the radio frequency driver
for the cyclotron accelerating electrodes. ('Dees') Also, I worked on
vacuum tube flip-flop circuits for particle counters. I believe I was being tested for
compatibility with the graduate students and post-doctoral fellows who
made up Lawrence's prestigious group of nuclear physics researchers.
must have passed that test, because at the end of my trial period all I
heard was a suggestion from Lawrence that I should move from San Francisco
to Berkeley so as to be near the lab, so I could put in more hours.
After about five or six weeks I received word from
"Buddie" Toles, for whom I had built a broadcast transmitter
then operating in Roseburg, Oregon, that he had an engineering job there
for me. The pay was to be more than double the pay in Lawrence's lab. I
used this as an excuse to ask Lawrence if I really had a place in the lab.
His reply (was) that I could be there as long as I lived was a bit
startling, since I had not yet been allowed to make any of the changes I
had recommended.
My wife, Elma, and I agreed that my future would be
much better in a lab
in the University, in spite of
the pay, so I turned down the offer to be a radio-engineer-operator in
I kept telling Lawrence that the high resonance factor (
-- - ) necessary for his ' Dee' accelerator electrodes
would vary its frequency with temperature and ion load so that a
crystal controlled driver would not synchronize with
the 'Dee' system or help to produce more accelerating voltage.
I proposed
that changing the resonant inductance of the system to one of less
resistance would increase the 'Q' of the system and thus give more
accelerating voltage for the same 100 kilowatt oscillator input then in
use. Lawrence replied that if I could get the 'Dee' voltage up from 40 KV
to 50 KV it would be a miracle as he had tried the suggestion of the best
engineers, including Charley Litton, at great expense with no appreciable
I insisted that the suggestions tested were incorrect.
I said, "If you will let me change the system my
way, I will get 100 KV on the 'Dee's' without any increase in power."
Lawrence replied that I must be crazy as no such thing
was possible.
However, I kept persisting and finally at the end of a
period of thesis work Lawrence finally said, "All right, if you can
persuade any of the Doctorate crew to approve and help you, you can have
one week of cyclotron shutdown to make your changes."
I already had Dr. John Livingood on my side so we were
allowed to proceed.
We worked, starting early Sunday morning, 16 to 18
hours per day through to the next Sunday. We had not only to replace the
small coil of 1/4" tubing of the original inductance with 3"
copper pipe with water cooling tubing soldered on to it, but
also to build a copper shielding house and a turning vane with mechanical
control from the control table. The 3" tubing had to be supported
because the glass insulators and seals supporting the
'Dee's' and sealing the vacuum of the acceleration chambers were not
considered strong enough to hold the weight of the new single turn of heavy
tubing which formed the new inductance of the resonant 'Dee' circuit.
We also had to bring on the oscillator power slowly and
calibrate the 'Dee' voltage with a capacitance multiplier against a
General Radio radio frequency voltmeter.
When all this was done we came up to full power with
the ion source on, since we correctly believed that this would now be an
appreciable part of the electrical resistance load determining the 'Q' of
the system and hence the 'Dee' voltage.
We were elated to find that under full ion load we had
110 KV on the 'Dee's' at the same power that previously produced 40 KV and
that the external deflected beam of 8 Mev
deturiums (sp?deuterons?)
to the target was
now 150 M
amperes, rather than the 8 m amperes previously produced.
To say that Lawrence and all of the lab members were
elated is a mild expression of the celebration that followed.
About Wednesday after this event, Lawrence asked me to
come to his office and there he told me he was making me Crew Chief for
all the cyclotron operating crews and he expected me to be present at at
least two of the three daily operating crews necessary for the
round-the-clock operation that Lawrence insisted on. Maximum results were
expected and we were soon producing and discovering a new radio-active
isotope essentially each day.
Soon after this Lawrence asked me to see what I could
do to improve the system of heating the ion source filament. A heavy
filament was needed to produce electrons for ionizing the Deuterium in the
center of the cyclotron where the particle beam originated. This was
because this filament operating in a plasma of Deuterium ions was rapidly
eroded away. Such a heavy filament of tungsten will require a large current to heat it to emission
temperature (40 to 100 amperes). The magnetic forces in a 15 Kilogauss
field produced troublesome forces. D.C. current could not be used because
a tungsten will (wire??) at emission temperature has about the same strength as
a lead
wire of the same size has at room temperature.
When 60 cycle current was tried
the filament was rapidly vibrated to destruction. So, Dr. Van
Voorhis had constructed a heating current supply
out of audio amplifiers and transformers operating at 15
kilocycles/sec. This allowed the filament to last for
one to two days of operation between replacements. I calculated that a filament
could last as long mechanically
as it would based on arc evaporation rate if that frequency was increased to 200
K.C. This was a difficult step because no core material existed at that
time to make a suitable transformer to step the voltage down and the
current up to about 100 amps at seven volts for ideal operation of the
filament then in use.
I devised a resonant "T" matching net
consisting of a coil of 1/4 inch copper tubing about 6" in diameter
and 10 inches long so it could be varied for tuning by moving the turns
closer together or farther apart, and a large capacitance mica condenser.
The mica capacitor was made by connecting in parallel a
number of the series elements from World War I
surplus spark transmitter capacitors from our basement stock of junk. This
capacitor had to be placed in a circle since "skin effect" would
prevent current from flowing in the inner ones if they were stacked
sandwich style. Turning this to give optimum filament heat from a 1
kilowatt 100 K.C. oscillator was a tedious process, since
the filament had to be observed through a 3" glass window in the wall
of the cyclotron chamber.
In operation the filament was at 1000 volts D.C. above
ground with a 1 ampere supply to form a deturium (?)
for the ion supply
to the center of the cyclotron.
I asked my lead crew member of the morning shift to
guard the controls so that I could tune up by shaping the matching coil
bare handed without the 1000 volt 1 ampere supply being turned on.
The tuning took longer than we expected and my control
guard became impatient and turned on the arc voltage while I was still in
I remember falling over from my squatting position and
thinking, "What a big earthquake to move the 70 ton magnet so
rapidly." Of course,
I was falling over as a result of the shock and
fortunately fell free of my contact.
I must have yelled, because I came to
to find myself being brought to an upright stance by Robert Cornog and Dr.
Louis Alvarez. I took a deep breath and realized that my heart was shaking
in a violent spasm rather than beating. My early
experience as a Junior in college with Biofeedback came to mind and
I exerted
mental control and stopped the fibulation and started a good solid beat.
The results of this experience were: first my personal
discomfort due to internal electrical burn, which caused my sweat to be
very stinky for at least six weeks and, a period of recovery from general
shakiness and weakness. The external burns at contact points on hands and
elbows were nominal. The other result was to make the whole lab conscious
of the necessity of safety interlocks and their intelligent use.
There followed a period of examining and rebuilding all
the safety features of our system. We already had interlocks on all
water cooling systems, but had perhaps not given sufficient attention to
problems of personal safety.
My solution to the filament problem worked, filaments
now lasted a week to ten days of approximately continuous operation.
The over performance improvement of the 37
inch cyclotron helped the rapid conclusion of many a Doctoral Thesis.*
However, at this time we had other lessons to learn.
With the new 'Dee' voltage
available someone forgot to have the ion
source on when the '
Dee' voltage was turned
on and the unloaded
'Dee' voltage rose to over 150 kilovolts at which
point the external glass
insulators, where the ' Dee' stems
entered the vacuum chamber, arced over in the
outside air and the arcs quickly broke the glass on
both insulators. This required more than a day
of shutdown to fix. New insulators were available,
but needed annealing to remove
However, Lawrence was so
pleased with the demonstration
of high voltage ability that he made
no adverse comment, only urging us
to fix the new insulators in place as rapidly as possible.
The climax of the experience
came several weeks
later when Dr.
Cockcroft came from England to visit the lab.
Cockcroft had been a severe critic
of the cyclotron saying that we really didn't have the particle
energy we claimed
and were being
misled by radio
frequency arc phenomena
we did not
understand. So with great
pride Lawrence had me put on a target with a 1/2 inch
aluminum foil window (microphone diaphragm stock)
which with outside air cooling would let
a considerable beam of 8 M.E.V. Deuterons out in
(the) air so that the range and
ionization of the particles in ambient
air could be easily seen. The smell
of ozone was very strong.
After looking at
this display, Cockcroft
agreed that the
observed range showed we had real energetic particles as
I was overseeing
the control station
with a young graduate
student from India,
whose name I
no longer remember,
at the controls.
Lawrence proudly pointed out to Cockcroft the Dee voltage
indicated on the meters and explained the calibration
Suddenly he said to Cockcroft, "Would
you like to see what is inside the cyclotron?"
"I would be most interested, " replied
Then with no hesitation, Lawrence reached over the
operator's shoulder and pushed the off button for
the ton (ion?) source arc voltage.
The 'Dee' voltage
rose instantly and with a great crash destroyed the
'Dee' insulators.
"Now boys," said
Lawrence, "Take it apart and
show Dr. Cockcroft and put in new
insulators." (At least a two shift job.)
I was dismayed only
for an instant for
I understood at
once such bold showmanship.

(Photo From Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National
Early Radiation Laboratory staff framed by the magnet for
60-inch cyclotron in 1939. Front row, left to right: John H. Lawrence,
Donald Cooksey, Arthur H. Snell, Luis W. Alvarez, Philip H. Abelson.
Second row: John Backus, Wilfred B. Mann, Paul C. Aebersold, Edwin M.
McMillan, Ernest Lyman, Martin D. Kamen, D.C. Kalbfell, W.W. Salisbury.
Last Row: Alex S. Langsdorf, Jr., Sam Simmons, Joseph G. Hamilton, David
H. Sloan, J. Robert Oppenheimer, William Brobeck, Robert Cornog, Robert R.
Wilson, Eugene Viez, J.J. Livingood. (Lawrence Radiation Laboratory |
E. O., Alvarez L. W., Brobeck, W. M., Cooksey, D., Corson, D. R.,
McMillan, E. M., Salisbury, W. W., Thorton, R. L.: Initial
performance of the 60" cyclotron of the William H. Crocker Radiation
Laboratory, University of California.
Physical Review, 56, 124, July 1, 1939.
Res. associates
Alvarez, Emo,
Kurie, [Kamen], Laslett, J. Lawrence, [Livingood], Paxton,
Hamilton, Kamen, Livingood, Lyman, Salisbury,
Sloan, Snell, Van Voorhis, [Seaborg]
Cornog, Corson, [Emo], Farley, Kalbfell, Kamen, Hamilton,
McNeel, Salisbury, [Seaborg],
Segrč, Simmons, Thornton, Tuttle, Wilson
Corson, [Emo], Erf, Farley, Green, Kamen, Hamilton, [Langsdorf],
Larkin, MacKenzie, McNeel, Salisbury,
Segrč, Simmons, Tuttle, Waltman
- Lawrence and His Laboratory: A History of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Volume I
― 496 ―
Table 10.1
Cyclotroneers Recruited to the MIT Radiation Laboratory
in 1940/1
At Rad Lab
First assignment
Last post(s)
Alvarez, L.
airborne radar, then gp
ldr, attack plane radar
div hd, Beacons
Bacher, R.
gp ldr, indicators
div hd, Receivers
Bainbridge, K.
gp ldr, modulators
div hd, Transmitters
DuBridge, L.
McMillan, E.
field testing
field testing
sonar lab
Pollard, E.
mbr, indicator design;
proj. eng., coastal surveillance
ass div hd, Ground and
Ships; mbr steering com'tee
Ramsey, N.
gp ldr, magnetrons
liaison with Army Air
Salisbury, W.
gp ldr, rf components
gp ldr, rf components
Van Voorhis, S.
gp ldr, roof systems
gp ldr, x-band receivers
White, M.
mbr, pulser group
div hd, Airborne
Systems; mbr, steering com'tee
Source: Radiation
Laboratory, Staff (1946).
E. O., Alvarez L. W., Brobeck, W. M., Cooksey, D., Corson, D. R.,
McMillan, E. M., Salisbury, W. W., Thorton, R. L.: Initial
performance of the 60" cyclotron of the William H. Crocker
Radiation Laboratory, University of California.
Physical Review, 56, 124, July 1, 1939.
Ernest O. Lawrence Phys. Rev. 56, 124 1939
Initial Performance of the 60-Inch Cyclotron of
the William H. Crocker Radiation Laboratory,
University of California
William H. Crocker Radiation Laboratory,
University of California, Berkeley, California,
June 12, 1939.
During the past few weeks, we have been engaged in the adjustments of
the 60-inch cyclotron of the William H. Crocker Radiation Laboratory, and
at this time we wish to report its initial performance.
As is always fruitful in first turning on a cyclotron, we looked for resonance
in the first instance by placing a Geiger counter nearby. With hydrogen,
proton resonance was found close to the expected value of magnet
current, and we proceeded to build up the intensity of the resonance effect
by adjusting the magnetic field with shims. Following this adjustment, the
beam to the target was observed and further shimming yielded 25 microamperes
at eight-million volt protons. Probe measurements indicated about
100 microamperes circulating within the dees.
Next the hydrogen was replaced with deuterium at a pressure about
one-tenth that normally used in our 37-inch cyclotron, and the procedure of
adjustment was repeated. Again resonance of deuterons was first observed
with a Geiger counter and shims were used to build up the effect. Indeed,
the radiation intensity almost immediately obtained in this way, even with
but one-tenth of the normal deuterium pressure, exceeded that ever obtained
from the 37-inch cyclotron. At this juncture the high energy deuteron beam
was looked for by detecting ionization in the air outside an aluminum target
window. The beam was immediately found, and adjustments proceeded
until ten microamperes to the target itself was obtained. The deuterons
were observed to emerge from the target window and to penetrate the air
for a distance of more than 1 1/2 meters, indicating the energy to be in the
neighborhood of 16 million volts, a value consistent with the frequency and.
the geometry. Under the circumstances, as is well known, replacing the
deuterium with helium would result in a beam of 38 million volt alpha particles.
Dependence of the deuteron beam on the adjustments shows that
very large currents are obtainable, perhaps as large as can conveniently be
used. It is perhaps noteworthy also that this very high energy deuteron
beam is obtained with an oscillator input of only 60 kilowatts. We therefore
see no difficulties in the way of producing with the present equipment 25
million volt deuterons and 50 million volt alpha-particles, and moreover we
are convinced that much higher energies could be obtained from a cyclotron
of larger dimensions.
We wish to take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude to
many individuals and organizations who have made these developments possible.
In the first place we are indebted to the late Mr. Francis P. Garvan
and to Mr. William H, Buffum of the Chemical Foundation, who provided
the initial funds for the cyclotron construction, and to the late Mr. William
H. Crocker, who provided for the laboratory building. We are equally indebted
to the Rockefeller Foundation and the National Advisory Cancer
Council for continued support which has made possible the rapid development
of the work. We also are deeply appreciative of the important part
our laboratory colleagues are having in this work; for all of our associates
have been actively interested and have contributed In large measure to the
development of the 60-inch cyclotron; and we are likewise appreciative of
the invaluable help of the staff of the shop.
Ernest 0. Lawrence
Luis W. Alvarez
William M. Brobeck
Donald Cooksey
Dale R. Corson
Edwin M. McMillan
W. W. Salisbury
Robert L. Thornton