This 2-page spread was one of the advertisements introducing
the American public to the new system by Sony of Half Inch Video
recording in 1965.
From the Sony History Site...
"In 1964, a team led by
Nobutoshi Kihara developed the CV-2000, the world's first VCR intended for
home use. This was the first step toward realizing Masaru Ibuka's dream of
creating a video player that would be suitable for home use in terms of
both size and price."
"The CV-2000 was roughly
the same size as an audio tape recorder of that time. This VCR, which had
two rotary heads, was a reel-to-reel type unit and it reproduced fantastic
black and white images. In addition, the price of the CV-2000 was less
than one-hundredth a broadcast-use model, and less than one-tenth the
price of an institutional model. The machine's key feature was the use of
rotary heads, which cost more than static heads. This disproved the
commonly held view of many in the industry that rotary heads employed for
broadcast and institutional-use models could not be adapted for a home-use
VCR. The world gasped in wonder at the picture quality of the new machine,
and Kihara could proudly answer previous skeptics by saying, Technology
does not abide by common sense. Our goal is to break down ideas people
have come to accept as common sense. ..."
"Although manufactured as
the first home-use VCR, most of the CV-2000 machines were actually used
for medical and industrial purposes before finding their way into schools
and, eventually, homes. So in spite of the home-use
label, in reality the reel-to-reel type CV-2000, which could record and
play back black and white images, proved to be an extremely popular
institutional model."

If you have interesting Sony
Videotapes that need converting we can help!
Sony TCV-2010 Videocorder At SMECC

Home Video Tape Recording...
What is the Videocorder?
The Videocorder Is an Instrument which records both
picture and sound on tape much In the same manner as an ordinary tape
recorder records sound only. Professional video tape recorders have been
in use for several years in many fields, notably television, where
programs are recorded on tape for later broadcasting.
SONY becomes the leader with a low priced home video tape recorder, called
the SONY Videocorder. Its operation is similar to that of an ordinary
tape recorder. With the flip of a switch, you may either
transcribe an un-copyrighted television program on tape for later viewing
or play back a recorded tape. By the use of the Videocorder, important
programs can be recorded on tape in your absence. Also, if two Important
programs are telecast simultaneously. One may be
taped on the Videocorder while the other is viewed on a second TV set.
With the use of SONY's Video Camera Kit. a new era of enriched home
entertainment has truly begun. Using the simple-to-operate SONY Video
Camera and Microphone, anyone may easily record family events. or even
their own sports activities for study and improvement. It Is easy to see
the tremendous advantages of video tape recording. Any recording may be
viewed immediately without waiting for developing or processing. You may
build a home tape library of these even, for later viewing.
Sony's home use Videocorder. the newest major breakthrough in magnetic
recording techniques. compact in size and low in cost. makes it possible
for all to enjoy the excitement of video recording
Videocorder TCV-2010 features
- Simple operation similar to ordinary tape
- Slow speed rerecording -Sony's special feature.
-Tape speed is only 71/2 inches-per-second.
- Tape is only 1/2"wide.
- Uses only 7" reels for one full hour of continuous
- Tape consumption is low.
- Tape breakage is minimal.
- Mechanical durability is assured.
- Solid state circuitry further reassures durability.
- Tapes can be erased for new recordings.
- Videocorder screen can be used as a normal TV receiver.
- Operates on regular household AC current.
- Has carrying handles for easy portability.
Videocorder Model TCV-2010, $995.00
Videocorder TCV-2020 features 
The Videocorder model TCV-2020 has all the features of
theTCV-2010 except for the
carrying handles in addition:
- Housed in a beautiful walnut cabinet.
- Has timing device which may be preset to record program.
while you are away
from home.
Videocorder Model TCV-2020, $1250.00
Lets Examine the CV-2000 Prices...
Sony Videocorder Net Price Schedule for 2000 Series May
CV-2000D Videocorder with walnut base $695.00
CV-2000 Videocorder (portable) $730.00
TCV-2010 Videocorder with built in monitor/TV
)portable) $995.00
TCV-2020 Videocorder with built in monitor/TV in Walnut
case, with timer $1150.00
Now remember... I remember in the late 60s you could buy a Datsun
pickup for $1600 on sale... work the math! to own a video recorder
was a financial feat indeed for the individual!
Lets Discuss the Portability Factor...
The TCV-2010 was a video recorder with built
in monitor/TV for only$ 995.00 in
In the advertisement you will also see the VCK-2000 camera kit
which consisted of camera, tripod, cables and accessories. Click on
the picture for a larger view.
The Museum's UPS driver is still groaning after lifting our TCV-2100A
and camera case (a little later model in the CV-2000 series) that were
banded together for shipment! Portable? Yes for that time it was a miracle
but not acceptable today. It really takes three people to comfortably
carry the outfit, two on the TCV-2010 and another on the VCK-2000

Click for larger photos
Today's most advanced video tape recorders in the $1000
and under class have proved their reliability in hundreds of business and
educational applications.
Model CV-2000 Portable Deck -Most compact and portable
video tape recorder ever designed. Housed in a handy carrying case and
weighing only 46 lbs.
Model CV-2000D Deck-An economical approach to video tape
recording. This compact unit is housed in a sturdy, handsome walnut-finish
Model TCV-2010-The pioneer model in the
field. This complete, self-contained unit includes a video tape recorder,
8·inch (measured diagonally) receiver/monitor in its own portable
carrying caSe.
Model TCV-2020-Handsomeoil-finish walnut cabinet.
Built-in timer can be set to record programs in user's absence. Has
built-in receiver/monitor.
Camera Ensemble VCK-200o-Solid-state
Video Camera with f/1.9, 25mm, "C" mount lens, elevator
tripod, dynamic microphone, and extension cords in a handy carrying case.
The camera records 'live' action in any illumination from standard room
lighting to broad daylight, and adjusts automatically to changes in light.
Video Tape-Highest quality, half-inch
tape made by Sony, one of the world's leading tape manufacturers. V·31
half-hour playing time on 7" reel 1240 ft. V·32 one-hour playing
time, 2370 ft.
Other Accessories-Complete line extends
application of the Videocorders. lenses (telephoto, wide angle and zoom)
and a camera selector for professional results. Two high-definition,
channel 2 to 83 receiver/monitors: a portable and a large· screen model.
Branch cords for feeding additional monitors and cables for operating the
camera, microphone, or monitors at varying distances from the Videocorder
Sony Corporation of America, 47-47 Van Dam St., N.Y,
N.Y. 11101
Showroom: 585 Fifth Ave., N.Y.C., Regional Offices: 500
W. Florence Ave., Inglewood, Calif. 90307 • 5551 N. Milton Parkway,
Rosemont, III. 60018
A Sony Videocorder provides the basis
for a complete TV studio, With it you can take TV pictures and sound right
off-the-air and put the.m on tape, With the optional TV camera and
microphone plugged in, you can do the same with 'live' action, And when
you're done, simply rewind and you're ready to play back pictures and
sound - instantly, It's as easy as operating an ordinary tape recorder.
With the Video Camera Ensemble you can
record 'live' action in normal room lighting or broad daylight and play
back the recorded material through a monitor or TV receiver in both sight
and sound, This makes possible the recording of hundreds and hundreds of
situations which can be used in business/ education and science
You can also record selected TV programs
off-the-air for playback any time presidential speeches, educational
programs, space launches, TV commercials anything that will be of interest
to your associates in business, your students in school. You can even
record programs while you/re away or while watching other programs, and
play them back at your convenience,
An important feature of these units is
tape interchangeability. Any tape recorded on one Sony Videocorder can be
played back on any other Sony Videocorder, For example, a recording made
at company headquarters can be distributed to any division or branch where
a Videocorder is available, Similarly, educational institutions can
exchange tapes with other schools,
A wide range of accessories is available
so that the user can produce the most effective and professional results
when taping 'live' action with the camera, Sony offers precision
wide-angle, zoom and telephoto lenses. A camera selector permits the use
of two cameras to record different views of the same scene for close-up or
long shots at the flick of a switch,
Economy of operation is another
important feature of the Videocorder, These decks employ the ingenious
Sony alternate-field scan and repeat-field playback system making it
possible to operate the tape at a slow 71/2 ips speed, An hour of program
material can be recorded on a 7-inch reel at a cost of less than $40. And
the tape can be erased and used again and again.
Sony offers four Videocorder models in
the thousand-dollar and under price range that make possible video tape
applications formerly considered economically impractical. Further, the
compact size of these units make them easily transportable almost anywhere
.... another feature that adds to their versatile application.
o Record programs off-the0air and play them
back instantly in sight and sound, or store them for later use.
o Record 'live' action in almost any kind
of lighting/ indoors or outdoors, when used with video camera,
o Can be operated with almost any number of
monitors for presentation to large groups, or for distribution of pictures
to individual rooms,
o Priced in the $1000 and
under range to make possible applications formerly considered
uneconomical. (A basic TV studio- camera, deck and monitor- costs under
o 100% interchangeability-tapes recorded on one
Sony Videocorder can be played back on any other Sony Videocorder.
o Compact, lightweight, instantly transportable
for use almost anywhere- indoors and outdoors,
o Low cost operation-an hour of
program material costs less than $40 and can be erased and used again and
again -less than the cost of processed black-and-white 8mm movie
o Clean, sharp play back-'live' action or
off-the-air recordings,
o Solid-state reliability-designed by the leader
in transistor technology, Combines trouble-free, solid-state electronics
with rugged transport mechanism.
o Portable, solid-state TV camera for excellent
'live' action recordings,
o Wide selection of Videocorder models/
high definition monitors and accessories for broadest application.

Business & Industry: Sharpen up sales techniques by letting
salesman observe their own performance. Add dramatics and reality to sales
presentations. Train workers in repetitive assembly line operations.
Recording sales meetings for review by other divisions. Improve security
systems by having a record of what the camera sees. Improve the
performance of students at dance, dramatic and charm schools. Make
advertising and sales presentations; record advertisements on out-of-town
TV stations for later evaluation; preview commercials in their early
stages. Record tests of prototype equipment and
development work for review by the home office or others who should see it
Observe operations in hazardous or inaccessible areas and record results.
Record data observed by distant cameras and telemetering set-ups.

Education: Store educational material like lectures and
lab work for replay at a later date or for use in other schools. Overcome
scheduling problems by being able to replay program material at the most
convenient time. Improve instruction in language labs, dramatic, public
speaking, athletic or other training situations. Brief new students by
showing them how to use the library and other school facilities. Improve
athletic performance of students and team athletes. Train new teachers and
improve techniques of older ones.
Science and medicine: Record experiments and play them
back instantly for study or show them at a later date to a large number of
viewers. Record operations for later replay for benefit of interns and
students unable to get a good view. Tapes can be sent to other hospitals.
(Caution must be. exercised not to use the units near volatile gases.)
Record reactions of patients as they were at the beginning of treatment
and as they progress-valuable in psychiatric, orthopedic and similar work.
Law enforcement: Record reactions of suspects or
witnesses for later study. Identify suspects. Police can distribute tapes
to other police departments, for more positive identification of suspects.

This is a 'like new' vintage Sony video camera model
CVC- 2000
It looks like its never been hooked up.
CVC-2000 (1965):
This unit was the first consumer (early pro-sumer?) B/W vidicon camera. The viewfinder
consist of two square wire loops that the operator peeped through (reminiscent
of some early still box cameras form earlier times). This camera was used with the
'CV-2000' series Sony VTR's. When in an entire kit with tripod and
accessories the CVC-2000 was referred to as 'VCK-2000'.

The specifications:

From the product brochure:
Size:3·1/8" (W) x 5·1/2" (H) x 9· 7/8" (L)
Weight:5.9 lbs.
Standard Lens:FI.9 25mm. C mount
Vidicon Tube :SONY M3016
Minimum Luminance: 100 lux (F I.9 lens)
AGC Range:100 lux to Infinite (F 1. 9 lens)
Power Source: AC 117V-60 c/s
Power Consumption: low
Transistors: 26
Diodes: 25 |
Adjustment of Controls
When you are close to the monitor screen of the VIDEOCORDER. you can
frame the picture by watching: the screen.
If you're away from the screen, use the View· finder on the Camera to
frame the picture, Set up the Viewfinder frames and view through the small
one. The picture seen through the Viewfinder frames will he recorded.
This Viewfinder ill designed for the exclusive me with the standard
lens (f.1.9- 25mm) of the Video Camera. When the lens is replaced with
another lens. find the picture frame by watching the monitor screen.
Sony markets world's first home-use videotape recorder, the CV-2000.
Markets V30E (20-minute recording capability), the world's first 1/2-inch
open-reel videotape, for the all-transistor CV-2000 home videotape
A side note... Sony introduces the world's first transistor condenser
microphone, the C-38.
Model CV-2000. The most portable video tape recorder
ever designed, is housed in a sturdily-constructed carrying case with a
durable leatherette finish. Weighing only 46 lbs., it can be carried
easily from location to location.

Model CV-2000D
This economical deck is housed in a
handsome walnut-finish case. Compact, it can be installed anywhere—even
where space is limited.
The CV-2000D was identical in
mechanism to the CV-2000, but was in a nice wood cabinet so it would match
other television and HI-FI equipment.

Large- 1 meg file when clicked!
From The Advertisement...
Now instant
movies in sound
start at $695.
The new Sony Videocorder deck (model CV-2000D) is both compact and
versatile. It's also quite reasonably priced, $695. It's just like current
Sony Videocorder models, but without the built-in TV monitor. Using a
separate monitor or TV set, you can tape selected TV programs off-the-air.
Add the optional Sony TV camera and· you can tape "live" action
in sight and sound. Play back your tape, and you'll see instant movies in
This new deck is small enough to fit on a bookshelf, as a part of your
hi-fi component system. Light enough (only 44 lbs.) to take wherever you
want it to perform. Adaptable enough to use with any TV monitor, small or
large screen (the new Sony 8*-inch and 22*-inch receiver/monitors are
perfect mates). It can be adapted to work with most home TV sets. Handsome
too, in walnut-finish cabinet.
Looking for a Videocorder with its own built-in monitor? Then meet the
rest of the Sony Videocorder family. TCV-2010 complete in its own carrying
case, $995. The TCV-2020, handsome oil-finish walnut cabinet and with
built-in timer to automatically tape TV programs while you're away, $1150.
For taping "live" action, there is the Video Camera Ensemble
VCK-2000 (camera, elevator tripod, microphone) at $350. For an
unforgettable demonstration visit your Sony Videocorder dealer today. For
free 16-page booklet write:
SONY® Corp. of
America, 47-37 Van Dam St., Long Island City, N.Y. 11101 Dept. H
*diagonal measurement. The Videocorder is not to be used to record
copyrighted material. Sony and Videocorder are registered trademarks of
the Sony Corp. All prices suggested list.

Circuitry solid-state
Recording signal 2:1 interlaced
composite signal based on American TV standards, including industrial
Signal recording method Double-sideband
FM recording
Horiz. Resolution Greater
than 200 lines
Video signal-to-noise ratio Greater than 40db.
Video output 1-4V (P-P), sync
negative, 75 ohms
Video input 1-3V (P-P), sync
negative, 75 ohms
Camera input For Sony CVC-2000*
Microphone input-Low impedance, - 60db unbal., 600
Audio frequency range 80 to 10,000 Hz
Audio signal-to-noise Greater than 40db
Audio aux. Input High
impedance, - 20db balanced
Audio output to line
For use with TV cameras other than Sony CVC-2000
refer lo Bulletin P.E.T.I.-2
Recording system Rotary two heads helical scanning
Servo system Electro-magnetic
Recording time 60 min. continuous (with V-32 tape,
2,370 ft.) 30 min. continuous (with V-31 tape, 1240 ft.)
Rewind/fast forward time Within 7 minutes
Motor 1 single-phase hysteresis
Audio-control head Stationary,
two heads
Erase head Full track
Tape speed 7.5 ips
Tape ½”, Sony “V” series
or equiv.
Meter Audio level,
video level, AC line voltage
Operating position horizontal
Operating temperature 0-40 degrees C (32-104
degrees F)
Power req. &. Consumption 117 VAC, 60 Hz +
0.4, 80 watts
Dimensions 18 1/8 x 11 7/8 x 15 ¾” (CV-2000)
19 ¾ x 9 7/8 x 15 1/4"
Weight 46 lbs. (CV-2000);
42V2lbs. (CV-2000D)
Case Leatherette covered
plywood (CV-2000); walnut finish (CV-2000D)
V-30, Sample Tape; RH-7V empty reel; Head cleaner
set; Sony OL-1K lubricating oil; Splicing tape; 8-pin connector; 2-pin
VCK-2000 Camera Ensemble To
record "live" action (TV camera, microphone
tripod, extension cables)
CVM-2300U 22-inch (measured diagonally)
receiver/monitor To be used for viewing by large groups
CVM-51UWP 8-inch (measured diagonally)
receiver/monitor To be used as TV receiver screen
CVO-1 Dust Cover Clear,
provides access to controls when Videocorder is operating
CVO-2 Dust Cover Tinted,
permits operation of Videocorder, but not controls
V-31 Video Tape 7-inch reel, ½
hr., 1,240 ft.
V-32 Video Tape 7-inch reel, 1 hr., 2,370 ft
RH-7V Tape Reel 7-inch reel
VMC-Branch Cords (VMC-1, VMC-1B, VMC-1D, etc.)
**To feed additional monitors
Refer to
Technical Bulletin P.E.T.I.-3
and Camera CVC-2100A

Model of the Video Recorder Combo is
TCV-2110A, Serial #5369
The Recorder that is built in is a CV-2100 VTR
The “Built-in” TV/Monitor is a Model #CVM-51UWP, Serial #13444.
The Camera Kit has a Camera, Model#
CVC-2100A Serial #19153
Viewfinder Model # CVF-4 Serial #16345,
A telephoto/Wide angle lens
Elevator Tripod Model # VCT-20A
Cables and power cord.
Sony Videocorder - Model CV-2200

The Camera Next to it is: Sony Video Camera CVC-2100A. Sony
Electronic View Finder CVF-4. Sony TV Zoom Lens. Complete with accessories
and factory case |
Sony CV-2600 - Simplified
1/2" Skip Field Videocorder
1968: Sony CV-2600 - Simplified 1/2" Skip Field Videocorder!
The CV-2600 is the last of the CV series from Sony, representing the
beginning of a transition from skip field recording machines to the more
"advanced", full field recording, AV series machines. The
mechanical technology of the CV 2600 was the most advanced of the CV
series. It has one control lever to control all the parameters of tape
transport, as well as automatic audio & video level controls. It did
not provide for tracking control on playback.
From the CV 2600 Owner’s Manual...
Your new SONY Videocorder 2600 records pictures (video signals) and sound
(audio signals). Recording operations are fully automatic and the recorded
materials can be played back immediately. When used with a separate SONY
video monitor, the Videocorder can tape selected (non-copyrighted)
programs for watching at more convenient times. By adding the SONY video
camera and microphone you have
a compact production unit for recording live action. This Operating Manual
has been prepared to help you make high-quality recordings and to keep
your Videocorder in top operating condition. Keep this booklet handy for
AGC system
Your CV-2600 has automatic control of audio levels as well as video
levels. This means that the Videocorder adjusts itself to changing levels
of video and audio signals from either the video monitor or camera. These
automatic features yield
perfect recordings with very little effort. There is no need to watch
level meters, as the automatic circuits maintain optimum video and audio
levels for you.
Simple and easy operation
Your CV-2600 can be operated as easily as an ordinary audio-tape recorder.
To record, connect the video monitor or video camera, thread the tape as
you would on an audio tape recorder. On the Videocorder you need only the
following 3- step operation: 5] Push the Power Switch, [2] hold the Record
Button down and [3] set the Function Selector to the [PLAY/REG] position.
That's all. The GV-2600 will take care of the rest.
Reliable mechanism
Precisely designed circuits, precision rotating heads and a
servo-controlled drive mechanism assure steady clean pictures and sound.
Tape interchangeability
Any tape recorded on the SONY Videocorder CV-200C* series and SONY
Portable Videocorder Kit DVK-2400 can be played back on this CV-2600. The
tape recorded on this Videocorder can also be played back on any other
series Videocorder.
*All units with model numbers in the 2000 series.
Compact and lightweight
The easy-to-carry Videocorder is almost the same size as ordinary audio
tape recorders, and operates anywhere that 117 volts, 60 Hz house current
is available.
Simple connections
A single plug-in type cable completes all connections between the video
camera and Videocorder. Single-cable connections also complete connections
between the Videocorder and the video monitor.
Specifications – from Owner’s Manual
Technical Specifications
Video recording system Rotary (two-heads) helical scan
Recording signal based on American TV standards
Recording time more than 60 minutes, using V-32 tape (2370 ft)
more than 30 minutes, using V-31 tape (1240ft)
Tape speed 7 ½ ips (inches per second)
Tape width ½ inch
Video input 1.4Vp-p, 75 a (unbalanced)
Output 1.4Vp-p, 75 a (unbalanced)
Resolution more than 220 lines
Signal-to-noise-ratio greater than 40 dB
Audio inputs
Microphone input -65 dB, 600 n (unbalanced)
Auxiliary input -20 dB, high impedance (unbalanced)
Line output 0 dB, high impedance (unbalanced)
Audio frequency range 80—10000 Hz
Audio signal-to-noise-ratio greater than 40 dB
Power requirement 117V, 60 Hz
Power consumption 60 watts (65 VA)
Transistors 61
Diodes 23
Dimensions 15 ¾ (w) x 9 1/16 (h) x 13 3/16 (d)
Weight 31 lb
Standard accessories
Tape V-30, Reel RH-7V,
TV connector (8-pin), AC power cord
Polishing cloth, Splicing tape
Lubricating oil, Cleaning fluid
Head cleaning set
CV-2400 Portapak
The Portable Battery Operated non EIAJ Skip Field
Sony introduces the world's first portable VTR, the DV-2400.
The VIDEO ROVER, was the first video portapack. it offered the format
of the time which was B/W, skip field, Pre-EIAJ, 1/2 inch tape, reel to
reel. This first unit was a record ONLY portapak VTR outfit. Recording time was 20 minutes on 4-1/2 inch reel of 1/2 inch videotape.
streamlined for size and weight you were provided a small hand crank that
stored in the units lid for rewinding the tape!
Playback of tapes from this unit (after they were hand rewound) was
accomplished on the CV-2000 series decks.
Akio Morita, CEO of Sony for over forty years
Demonstrating (or just posing with?) the DVK-2400.
Photo: LabGuy's World
From The Product Literature...
A new dimension in sight and sound recording has been
achieved with a miniaturized Videocorder, now able to be carried over your
shoulder and a solid state TV Camera that is hand-held, trigger-ready to
shoot "live" action, indoors or outdoors.
There are no limitations with your portable Videocorder
and Camera. And, this is no "adaptation" of standard models! The
DVK-2400 Battery Operated Videocorder uses the ½”wide magnetic video
tape, running at 7 1/2 ips . . . the same used with the latest Videocorder
models. The tape you take on your DVK-2400 model is playable immediately,
or at a later date on any Sony Videocorder, the most popular video tape
recording system available today,
The Battery Operated Videocorder, in a comfortable,
compact shoulder-pack weighs a mere 11 pounds! It goes where you go and is
completely solid state. There are no wires . . . no cables ... no
converters ... no limitations as to where and when you can record sight
and sound.
The Hand-Held TV Camera is simple to operate. A dynamic
microphone mounted on top of the camera picks up your audio . . a built-in
1-inch TV screen Viewfinder helps frame your picture and shows you exactly
what is being taped. There is a remote-control trigger on the camera
handle that starts you recording, immediately! One simple cable connection
between camera and Videocorder and your system is complete, and ready to
operate. The lens on your TV Camera is Sony's 16-54mm, F-2, C-mount, Zoom.
The potential and applications of the DVK-2400/VCK-2400
Videocorder and Camera Ensemble are limitless. Here is the Videocorder
that goes anywhere you go!
Sony Battery-Operated Videocorder gives you features
like these…
Complete Transportability - both TV Camera and Videocorder are solid
state, battery operated. (Adaptable to AC also.)
Simple Operation - one-touch start/ stop and fully Automatic Video Level
and Audio Level Controls,
Built-in TV Screen Viewfinder - shows you exactly what you are taping.
Pistol-Grip Handle on TV Camera - easy-to-use with remote-control trigger
7 1/2 ips Tape Speed - you get up to 20 minutes of recording time on a
5" reel. Tape is replayable on any Sony Videocorder.
Batteries - operational for a full hour's recording and are easily
Complete Line of Accessories—Zoom lens, Battery Charger, Dynamic
Micro-phone, Carrying Case ... all come with the ensemble.
Text From The Portable Videocorder DV-2400 Owner’s
Instruction Manual
recording system: Slant-track scanning
Recording signal: 2:1 interlace
Recording signal:
2:1 interlaced composite video signal based on American TV standards
(supplied through the video camera DVC-2400)
Recording time: 20 minutes continuously, using V-30D tape (850ft) ~
Tape speed: 7 ½ ips (inch per second)
Tape width: ½”
Video modulation system: Frequency modulation
Resolution: Approximately 220 lines*
Video signal-to-noise ratio Greater than 40 db*
Video input 1.0V (peak to peak), sync negative, 50 ohms, at Pin 1 of the
camera cable connector. (Ground return Pin 2.)
Audio input: 65 db, 600 ohms, at Pin 8 of the camera cable connector.
(Ground return Pin 7.)
Audio frequency range: 100 - 8000 Hz*
Audio signal-to-noise ratio Greater than 38 db*
Microphone jack: Mini jack, input impedance 600 ohms
Earphone jack: Mini jack, output impedance 100 K ohms
Power requirements: DC 12V, 10.5W (without connecting DVC-2400)
Semiconductors: 41 transistors, 21 diodes
Dimensions : 4 7/8” (h) x 11 5/16” (d) x 11 ¼”
Weight: 10 lbs. 13 oz (without batteries).
Portable Videocorder Kit DVK-2400
Portable Videocorder DV-2400
Battery Charger BC-2400
Rechargeable batteries Centralab RP-626x2
Reel RH-5V
Earphone CE-3
Head Cleaner tip
Cleaning fluid
Splicing tape
Polishing cloth
*Playback on a CV-2000 Series Videocorder.
Hz (hertz): cycles per second
Design and specifications subject to change without
Text From The Portable Sony VCK-2400
Video Camera Kit Owner’s Instruction Manual
Vidicon tube: 2/3” Separate mesh vidicon
Transistors: 40
Diodes: 21
Scanning system: 2:1 interlace
Horizontal and Vertical synchronizing signals supplied by the DV-2400
(To use the camera with the SONY CV-2000 Series Videocorder the CMA-1
Adaptor is required).
Horizontal resolution: more than 400 lines (camera alone)
Horizontal frequency: 15.75 kHz
Vertical frequency: 60 Hz
Signal-to-noise ratio: greater than 40 db
Video output: 1 V p-p Composite Video signal (at load impedance 50 ohms)
Automatic-sensitivity control range: 300 lux to 100,000 lux (with F 2
Lens: Zoom lens, f 16—64 mm, F 2, C mount
Viewfinder: (built-in electronic viewfinder) 1" picture tube
(measured diagonally)
Microphone input jack: Mini jack
Power requirements: DC 12V supplied by the DV-2400 (with a CV-2000 Series
Videocorder, power is supplied through the Portable Camera Adaptor CMA-1)
Dimensions: 2 13/16 (w) x 5 (h) x 15-1/16 (d)" (with supplied zoom
Weight: 5 lbs. 9 oz. (with supplied zoom lens, grip, microphone)
Microphone: Unidirectional, Impedance 250 ohms
Video Camera Kit VCK-2400 includes:
Video Camera DVC-2400
Television Zoom Lens VCL-16
Microphone F-45A Microphone extension cord
Camera grip
Camera cable CCJ-1
Wind screen
Polishing cloth
Shoulder strap
Provides a stationary mount for the camera.
Provides a handy steady-rest for the camera when complete mobility must be
retained. VCT-1 is a telescoping pod. VCT-2 is a telescoping type and has
a belt for rest.
Permits the DVC-2400 camera to be used with any SONY Series CV-2000
CCJ-1 (5 ft.)
CCJ-5 (16 ft )
CCJ-10 (33 ft.)
Hz (hertz): cycles per second
Design and specifications subject to change without notice.

Lab Guy's DV-2400
CMA-1 Camera Adapter From Cal-Poly |
Here is a nice photo of Jonnie's Sony SV-300 he sold
to us here at the museum. We need to find product brochures and data
for this machine. Please drop us a line if you can assist!