Nebraska has a very diverse electric utility industry with one of the
highest numbers of individual electric systems in any state. This reflects
the deeply-rooted philosophy of local control and provides a basis for a
governance structure that allows consumer participation and representation
at both the local and state levels.
This chapter examines the current structure and governance of
Nebraska’s electric utilities. The first section provides a profile of
the consumer base and electric rates. The second section describes the
types of utility systems and their organizational forms. The third section
describes how these systems are governed. The last section describes
related support organizations that many Nebraska utilities belong to and
that help shape their operations.
Consumers are the economic and political cornerstone for the state’s
utilities. Their density and mix is reflected in cost of service and their
determinations as voters and participants in the public process ultimately
affect the policies and structure of the municipal systems, public power
districts and rural electric cooperatives that serve them.
As indicated in Table 2-1 below, 82 percent of Nebraska’s 835,905
metered consumers are residential. Nearly 13 percent are commercial and
approximately 5 percent are industrial, irrigation and miscellaneous other
types combined.
Table 2-1: Nebraska - Type of
Customer |
Class of Consumers |
No. of Consumers |
% of Consumers |
Energy (MWH) |
% of Sale |
Revenues ($,1000) |
% of Revenue |
Residential |
687,214 |
82.2 |
7,564,902 |
37.0 |
$482,306 |
43.5 |
Commercial |
105,847 |
12.7 |
6,648,369 |
32.5 |
$339,276 |
30.6 |
Industrial |
2,368 |
0.3 |
4,775,113 |
23.4 |
$188,115 |
16.9 |
Irrigation |
31,569 |
3.8 |
749,624 |
3.7 |
$61,504 |
5.5 |
Other |
8,907 |
1.0 |
692,219 |
3.4 |
$39,049 |
3.5 |
Total |
835,905 |
100.0 |
20,430,227 |
100.0 |
$1,110,250 |
100.0 |
Source: L.R. 455
Survey |
Nebraska’s customers can also be categorized as
81 percent "urban" and 19 percent "rural" if
classified as served by predominantly "urban" or predominantly
"rural" systems as indicated in Table 2-2 and Table 2-3 below.*
* It is important to note that "urban" and
"rural" distinctions are made in the context of a geographic
region in which a village of 500 residents may be considered
"urban" for electric service purposes. It is also important to
note that "urban" systems may serve rural customers and vice
Table 2-2: Predominantly
"Rural" Systems |
Class of Consumers |
No. of Consumers |
% of Consumers |
Energy (MWH) |
% of Sale |
Revenues ($,1000) |
% of Revenue |
Residential |
118,245 |
72.9 |
1,671,513 |
49.8 |
$103,864 |
49.2 |
Commercial |
12,796 |
7.9 |
399,309 |
12.0 |
$24,174 |
11.5 |
Industrial |
373 |
0.2 |
554,208 |
16.5 |
$23,892 |
11.3 |
Irrigation |
29,163 |
18.0 |
707,255 |
21.1 |
$57,752 |
27.3 |
Other |
1,615 |
1.0 |
21,674 |
0.6 |
$1,581 |
0.7 |
Total |
162,192 |
100.0 |
3,353,959 |
100.0 |
$211,263 |
100.0 |
Source: L.R. 455
Survey |
Table 2-3: Predominantly
"Urban" Systems |
Class of Consumers |
No. of Consumers |
% of Consumers |
Energy (MWH) |
% of Sale |
Revenues ($,1000) |
% of Revenue |
Residential |
568,969 |
84.4 |
5,893,389 |
34.6 |
$378,442 |
42.0 |
Commercial |
93,051 |
13.8 |
6,249,060 |
36.6 |
$315,102 |
35.1 |
Industrial |
1,995 |
0.3 |
4,220,905 |
24.7 |
$164,223 |
18.3 |
Irrigation |
2,406 |
0.4 |
42,369 |
0.2 |
$3,752 |
0.4 |
Other |
7,292 |
1.1 |
670,545 |
3.9 |
$37,468 |
4.2 |
Total |
673,713 |
100.0 |
17,076,268 |
100.0 |
$898,987 |
100.0 |
Source: L.R. 455
Survey |
While consumers in the state’s predominantly rural systems make up 19
percent of the consumer base, they use less than 17 percent of total
energy (3,353,950 MWH). However, they contributed 19 percent of total
revenues ($211,263,000). This reflects the fact that their density per
mile of line is lower and their cost of service and rates are higher. It
is also important to note that rural utilities’ residential customers
average usage is meaningfully higher than residential customers in urban
utilities - indicating higher monthly bills for the average rural family.
Although not indicated here, it is also important to note that irrigation
sales are more prevalent in Nebraska than other states and that rural
customer density per mile of distribution line is lower compared to
national data for other rural areas.
Consumers in predominantly urban systems make up 81 percent of the
consumer base, use approximately 83 percent of the state’s electricity
and contribute 81 percent of total revenues ($898,987,000). Of this urban
system total, residential consumers use 34.6 percent; commercial, 36.6
percent; and industrial, 24 percent.
The total statewide energy sales to residential, commercial and
industrial customers in Nebraska for 1995 were 37 percent, 33 percent and
23 percent, respectively, not including irrigation and miscellaneous other
categories. As indicated above, the respective payments are made by
customers reflect the varied rates charged to each customer class. Based
on "cost-of-service" formulas, larger customers generally have
lower cost-of-service per kilowatt hour of consumption. Residential
customers tend to have a higher cost-of service. (Rural customers tend to
have the highest cost-of-service because of their lower density.) In view
of their greater numbers for consumption and cost, residential customers
contributed 43 percent of revenue paid by all customer classes. Commercial
and industrial customers followed with about 31 percent and 17 percent of
revenues, respectively. All customers paid a total of $1.1 billion for
electric service in 1995.
Despite the relatively low level of industrial sales and a low customer
density in much of the state, Nebraska’s average electric rates compare
very favorably to the region and the nation. This finding holds for both
Nebraska urban and rural utilities, as well as small and large systems.
Table 2-4: Comparative Average Energy
Costs (Cents/kWh) 1995 |
Class |
NEB. |
U.S. |
NEB. |
U.S. |
Residential |
6.4 |
8.4 |
7.5 |
6.2 |
7.6 |
7.4 |
Commercial |
5.1 |
7.7 |
6.2 |
6.1 |
-- |
6.6 |
Industrial |
3.9 |
4.7 |
4.3 |
4.3 |
-- |
4.6 |
Irrigation |
8.2 |
-- |
-- |
8.2 |
-- |
8.6 |
Total |
5.4 |
6.9 |
6.1 |
6.3 |
7.3 |
6.9 |
Sources: L.R. 455
Survey; DOE EIA Form 861; National Rural Utility Co-op, Finance
Corp., 1995 Annual Report |
On an aggregate basis for all classes in 1995,
Nebraska utilities were 22 percent below national prices and 12 percent
below regional prices. In the rural sector, Nebraska systems were 13
percent below national rural rates and 9 percent below regional rural
rates. The range of average prices for individual Nebraska systems extends
from four systems with average kilowatt hour charges below four cents to
six systems with charges above eight cents. Chart C2-1 indicating this
Chart C2-1

State average = 5.4 cents/kWh (Survey & EIA)
Electric systems serving consumers living in rural areas and the
state's 536 cities and villages have entered into 395 electric service
territory agreements. Retail electric service is provided to these service
territories by three primary types of utilities: municipal electric
systems, public power districts and rural cooperatives. Additional
entities provide wholesale power to these utilities and help to coordinate
their operations. In total there are 171 entities providing retail or
wholesale electric service in Nebraska:
121 - Municipal Systems
32 - Public Power Districts
15 - Rural Cooperatives (11 distribution and 4 G&T)
1 - Public Power and Irrigation District
1 - Municipal Joint Action Agency
1 - Federal Agency (Western Area Power Administration)*
* WAPA supplies a significant portion of the state’s
power through various agencies. WAPA does not serve at retail.
These diverse consumer-owned systems are governed by locally elected or
appointed boards.** The local boards oversee rates, quality of service and
operations. This contrasts greatly with the electric industry as it is
organized in other states. For consumers in most states, electricity is
supplied predominantly by private electric companies under the oversight
of state regulatory commissions. On average, only one-quarter of all
customers in other states are served by consumer-owned systems (public
power systems and rural cooperatives) with wide variation ranging from
Hawaii with no consumer-owned service, to Tennessee with 98 percent of
consumers served by consumer-owned systems. Parallel to this average state
ratio of public-to-private service, private utilities produce and sell
approximately three-quarters of the nation’s power and own and control
much of the nation’s primary transmission lines. (See Table 2-5 for a
national profile of electric utility organizations.)
** The term "consumer-owned" systems is
applied collectively to municipal, rural cooperative and public power
district utilities, as differentiated from private investor-owned
Chapter One - HISTORY
Chapter Three - STATUTORY AND
Chapter Four - PLANNING AND
Chapter Five - FINANCE AND TAX
Chapter Notes
The Central Nebraska Public Power and
Irrigation District
415 Lincoln Street
P.O. Box 740
Holdrege, Nebraska 68949
Phone 308-995-8601 Fax 308-995-5705