WHKY-TV History
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Before there was  TV at  WHKY there was Radio! 

1940's Radio Preacher

The name Evangelist George Cooper was inscribed on the back of this photo from WHKY, Hickory NC.




Henry Reed - Fiddle Player




Tom Long Jr. Director of Engineering, tells us ...

The WHKY-AM Station went on air June 1940.

Construction started 1939.

WHKY was started by my Grandfather  Edmund S. Long

The stations are still owned by the family.

Also the FM went on the air 1948 at 210KW  was shut down in 1953, returned in 1958.

We sold it in 1987.

WHKY TV went on the air Feb 14, 1968

It is now getting a new transmitter site on the mountain that the FM was on.

Tom Long Jr
Director of Engineering


The Long Family stills owns the TV  and AM station and you may visit it at: http://www.whky.com/




WHKY-TV with RCA TK-14 B/W Cameras

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Outside studio view

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Front reception area

SMECC Has 2 of these camera in the museum's collection. 
We are looking for the Canon lenses that  the station originally had on them Can you help?






We are looking for any photos, memorabilia and  stories from the early days of WHKY  email info@smecc.org


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WHKY-AM Advertising Rate Card September 1, 1975











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5802 W. Palmaire Ave 
Glendale, AZ 85301 

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