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What is WCSC-ETV? and the Dage TV Camera

Dage TV Camera

Tell us more!  More photos and detail on this page HERE and info  archive 
we have  gathered thus far...

Who was WCSC-ETV? 
Anyone out there worked for them?

Any Photos or news articles? Yes! We want to
 re-create the 'proper look?' in the display here,

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DAGE Model 520 Television Cameras 


We have two of these DAGE 520 Cameras here in the museum's collection. we are looking for  DAGE catalogs and sales literature, maintenance manuals and spare parts.  It would be really special to find the CCU  rack mounded  unit that went with these cameras.

We would also  appreciate photos  of these units actually in action out in the broadcasting world.

But... most precious of all  would be your remembrances of using, selling, or manufacturing these units.


These 2 cameras  had been used at WCSC-ETV...

What is WCSC-ETV?
well...  We found where they came  from!
Follow the  link below...

Tell us more!  More photos & detail 
on this DAGE Televison Camera


Everyday we rescue items you see on these pages!
What do you have hiding in a closet or garage?
What could you add to the museum displays or the library?



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Thank you very much!


Material © SMECC 2007 or by other owners 

Contact Information for
Southwest Museum of Engineering,
Communications and Computation 

Talk to us!
Let us know what needs preserving!


Postal address 
smecc.org - Admin. 
Coury House / SMECC 
5802 W. Palmaire Ave 
Glendale, AZ 85301 

Electronic mail 
General Information: info@smecc.org