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WBAL-TV 1964 B/W with RCA TK-60 Cameras
Amazing studios! A pirate ship, built in bowling alleys and more!


See the June 1964 Article on WBAL-TV that appeared in RCA BROADCAST NEWS
Thanks  to Louis Goldberg for providing this to us.


We are looking  for more articles, artifacts and personal memories to help fill this page up on KRON.

How can YOU help? - Email them to  info@smecc.org


NOTE - We have a TK-60 here at the museum but need all the  power supplies and control apparatus  - Can you help? Drop us a note at info@smecc.org



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Material © SMECC 2007 or by other owners 

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Southwest Museum of Engineering,
Communications and Computation 

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smecc.org - Admin. 
Coury House / SMECC 
5802 W. Palmaire Ave 
Glendale, AZ 85301 

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General Information: info@smecc.org