Television Microwave Links
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Hi Ed,
I found this -

Freq 1 Lower: 12737.5000 MHz
Freq 1 Upper: 12762.5000 MHz
Freq 1 EIRP: 45.7 dBm
Freq 1 Emission: 25M0F8W
Transmitter Manufacturer: Microwave Associates
Transmitter Model: MA-13CP
Station Class: Operational Fixed
Constructed: 11/03/2004
From here -

And here -
The Beginning of the ENG Revolution
 Excerpt - "The cable, though, was soon replaced by a microwave link using a small transmitter (model MA-13CP) manufactured by Microwave Associates of Burlington, MA."



Harris bought M/A Com in 2009, IIRC.

When ENG trucks were a relatively new tool in the news gathering arsenal, (late 70's early 80's) M/A 13GHz "shoebox" microwave links were pretty common on each truck. Usually with a horn antenna on the TX and RX. They aren't as directional as a dish, so you didn't have to be quite so picky about having the both pointed directly at each other on a straight line.

The Shoebox units allow setting the camera where it was desired, and the truck where it could hit the ENG receiver. The shoebox link would provide the video and audio path when a cable-reel run wasn't really feasible.

This was before a lot of stations had developed a plethora of receive sites, so getting the truck parked where it could hit one of the/the only ENG receiver was one of the keys to getting a live shot to work.

Here's an interesting article about 1978-era ENG in an Oct. '78 Popular Mechanics. Begins on page 220. 

The shoebox units are mentioned on Page 226, after a description of the 2GHz units worked.  

Seems to me that Tim Stoffel and I were just talking about 13GHz links last week... and if I recall correctly, he was telling me it's become very difficult to use them due to licensing and siting issues.

In the US, the 2GHz Broadcast Auxiliary Service (BAS) bandwidth and some other fixed microwave services were shuffled under Part 74.690 of the rules, so Advanced Wireless and Mobile Satellite Services could use some of the spectrum.  Cell phone carrier Nextel (now part of Sprint)  paid to provide new gear to stations in order to get access to their former spectrum.

Licensing and operation of BAS and television remote pickup stations is covered under Part 74.600 of the FCC Rules.

Here's the 2009 PDF version that the FCC's website page on Microwave services links to.

Check to see if there's a 2010 or 2011 version.

Ed:  If you own one of these 13GHz units, and have ideas about using it in your news gathering activities, you might check to see what kind of status you have. Could you qualify as a license as a broadcast network?  Or as a common carrier providing Local Television Transmission, as mentioned in Part 74.602, 4, e: 

(e) Communication common carriers in the Local Television Transmission Service (Part 101) may be assigned frequencies
available to television broadcast station licensees and broadcast network entities for the purpose of providing service to television broadcast
stations and broadcast network entities, respectively.

That's covered here:

and found in the rules under Unde r Subpart J, which begins at SS 101.801. That's on page 771 of the PDF linked here:


Ted Langdell


SMECC Needs 1940s 50s  Television Microwave Relay equipment

Please email us at







DAGE - Sarkes Tarizan microwave receiver




We have this Sarkes Tarizan microwave receiver  at the SMECC  Museum.  We
are looking for  manuals,  sales info anything!

Here  you see it being used with the DAGE Microwave backpack.   for our
electronic news gathering display (ENG)  we are also  looking   for this camera
or other  camera/backpack combos and  parts... books... etc...

Anyone with background on any of this remote equipment that would enjoy 
authoring a section  at the site  is welcome to.

Drop us  a note off list... and thanks in advance  fro   help

Photos of the microwave receiver   and DAGE backpack camera.  







Deciphering the linage of some microwave communication companies.


Deciphering the linage of some microwave communication companies. We would like to have various people  familiar  with each companies history take a section of this and flesh it out a bit for the web site here.


Some Key Dates In the Tayburn/BMS/Cohu Linage:

1931 :  Fisher Research Laboratory is founded.
1947 :  Kalbfell Laboratories is founded.
1957 :  Lamott T. Cohu buys the company, which reincorporates as Cohu Electronics Inc.; Delta Design is founded.
1959 :  Daymarc Corporation is founded.
1967 :  Cohu acquires Fisher Research.
1970's:  Tayburn (need to  add more... as little is covered in the COHU History Document)
1982 :  Broadcast Microwave Services is founded.
1983 :  Cohu acquires Delta Design.
1984 :  Cohu acquires Broadcast Microwave.
1994 :  Cohu acquires Daymarc.


One passage that directly affects us here is the follow brief statement.

"Broadcast Microwave Services, Inc. was founded in 1982 by a group of former Tayburn, Inc. employees to develop and market microwave products for video transmission. Two years later, the company was purchased by and became a wholly owned subsidiary of Cohu Inc. "

Keywords references in the above article link  - note if this link goes dead please let me know at the email address below.

 Cohu, Inc., Dr. David Kalbfell, Kalbfell Laboratories, Inc.,  Kay Lab, Lamott T. Cohu , Cohu Electronics Inc. , Cohu, Inc., Dr. Gerhard Fisher,  Federal Telegraph Corporation, Kloster, radio direction finder, tayburn, Fisher Research Laboratory, Metallascope, M-Scope, 745 Emerson Street,  Palo Alto,  Belmont, California, Delta Design, Daymarc, Corporation, Broadcast Microwave Services, Inc., Cohu Inc. Electronics Division, Daymarc Corp, Delta Design, Inc., Fisher Research Laboratory Inc.



Be sure to see our section on the Bell Labs 
TD-2 and TH microwave relay system 
that carried television signals.


TD-2    Here              TH  Here                 


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