Omaha University
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ETV Comes to Omaha University

Educational Television came to Omaha and our campus with the October debut  of Channel 26, a product of the Metropolitan Omaha Educational Broadcasting Association, and a tenant of the University. Local ETV is now broadcasting both adult and children's shows, both day and evening. Dr. Paul Borge doubles as  Station Manager and director of the OU radio-TV sequence. 





TV and Radio Programs Originate from AA Studios

The Radio and Television Department continued broadcasting closed circuit classes the past year. Biology and Psychology 101 lectures were taped. Students majoring in television manned cameras, served as floor  managers and occasionally helped with the audio for these programs. The eleventh year of "TV Classroom" lectures was transmitted by KMTV from OU studios.  Priscilla Wilkins was student manager.  Instructor was Jim Onder. 


TV Tower Gives Campus New Look 

Viewed from underneath, the soaring tower forms a great metallic web. 

Eyes were turned upward to view the sight. Perched high above the ground, construction workers clung to their steel supports. They carried on their tasks nonchalantly, shouting signals, back and forth to fellow workmen. Now completed, the 407 foot steel TV structure has given the entire campus a new look. From Dodge Street, it seems to sprout from the Applied Arts Building. The tower was erected  this fall by the Metropolitan Omaha Educational Broadcasting Association. KYNE-TV, channel 26, began beaming its signals into area  classrooms October 25. The MOEBA studios ore located in the AA Building, where seven teachers produce taped programs for 80,000 elementary school youngsters. 







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