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This Tube is made by the Raytheon Mfg. Co. for the Marconi Co. Tube has the number RK-5657 and serial number B0443E stamped on it.

2j56a Raytheon magnetron

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Label reads "Raytheon RK2J34,
Made in U.S.A., serial no. L2654E


4J26 Large Lo frequency Magnetron!




  Western Electric 449-A



449A, 450A Reflex klystrons, shell and pins in same format as on 416A triode, waveguide output, heat­er 6.3 V @ 880 mA, resonator 525 V, reflector voltage -128.

449A, B Tunes 5925-6425 MHz, 150 mW output. "B" replaces "A," has tuner as­sembly added to waveguide.

450A Tunes 6090-6175 MHz., 150 mW output



Card Image Courtesy Jim Cross


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