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Inter-Continental Television Via Early Bird Satellite


Inter-Continental Television Via Early Bird Satellite

The first two-way commercial television program using the Early Bird satellite was transmitted by RCA Communications, Inc., for the Columbia Broadcasting System's "Town Meeting of the World" on October 26.

The two-way arrangement permitted students in Belgrade, London, Paris and Mexico City to direct questions on world affairs to a distinguished panel in the Washington, D. C. studios of CBS. The program also marked the first time that multiple points on both sides of the Atlantic were linked via satellite.

The program was transmitted live between 4 :30 P. M. and 5 :45 P. M. and taped for rebroadcast over the CBS network from 10 to 11 P. M.

Panel members included Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, former President of the United States; Arthur J. Goldberg, U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations, and Thurgood Marshall, Solicitor General of the United States. They answered questions posed by students attending the London School of Economics, Belgrade University, University de Paris and the University of Mexico City.

RCA Communications provides international television transmission service via Early Bird on a regular commercial basis, and is the only U. S. carrier providing international telegraph and telex service via satellite.

Well Done From CBS

Following the successful transmission of the first two-way commercial television program via the Early Bird Satellite, Charles E. Cadley, Manager of CBS Network Transmission Facilities, sent this letter to our Executive Vice President Howard R. Hawkins:

"Our Town Meeting of the World program is always technically complex and yesterday was no exception. However, the excellent assistance and comnplete cooperation we received from your organization made it seem almost routine.

"Without meaning to exclude anyone, we sincerely appreciate the hard work and many "extras" Lou Donato contributed to make this program a total success. Val Arbogast's help in pre-planning plus all those behind the scene, was a real example of team effort.

"Please extend our thanks to all concerned."

Cordially, Charles E. Cadley"

Photos - 

"Town Meeting of the World" panelists shown in the Washington, D. C. studio of CBS. (I. to r.) Charles Collingwood, Moderator, Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Arthur J. Goldberg, and Thurgood Marshall, Solicitor General of the United States.

PRS Assistant Dave Kintzner shown monitoring signals from the Early Bird Satellite on the television control equipment in the Program Radiophoto Section in our New York Headquarters offices.


-From RCA RELAY Christmas 1965

Volume 25 No. 11-12

Published bi-monthly in the interest of employees and friends of RCA Communications, Inc., 66 Broad Street, New York 4, N. Y. TMKS. (R)

Contributions should be sent to the editorial office in New York or Telephone: 212-363-2245.

JOHN Q. CANNON... .Secretary
FREDERICK J. SAGER...V.P. & Treasurer

Gene McAuliffeEditor
Member American Association Industrial Editors



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