Arizona TV Media Photo Album
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December 07

TASER International, Inc. and Cabela’s invited  reporters and photographers to a unique, visual media opportunity to demonstrate the new TASER® C2, an affordable, state-of-the-art palm-sized personal protection device. The TASER C2 is available to Cabela’s customers at the Glendale retail outlet.



The roof of Landmark Middle School at 57 Drive and Myrtle  was the final ending scene in a chase of a car thief/purse snatcher!

We were joined by Gannon Hubler Chief Photojournalist for KPHO TV and Matt Barnett PIO for the Glendale Police Department who filled us in on the details.


wpeEC.jpg (13305 bytes) wpe102.gif (62765 bytes)  wpe104.gif (96098 bytes)

1 - Gannon Hubler and Matt Barnett                            2 and 3 - Gannon Hubler



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