Wiliam J. Faucher - WEAN Music Director
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William J. Faucher, musical director
of radio station WEAN the Shepard Stores in 1929

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The enclosed photos are of my grandfather William J. Faucher (1889-1941). He came from a musical family. He attended Brown University and the New England Conservatory. He performed many concerts in the New England area and formed the Bill Faucher Orchestra. In 1925 he started the William J. Faucher Violin School in Providence. He became the musical director of radio station WEAN the Shepard Stores in 1929.

He was the musical director of several vaudeville theaters in Providence, R.I, the Emery Majestic theater (1917), the Emery Theater, and in he was the musical director of the "Albee Brigadiers" at the RKO Albee Theater in 1932.

The musicians in the photo at the WEAN studio are:

Federick Lees -piano

Robert Austin -base

Carl Carlson -viola

William Faucher -violin


Hope you like the photos and please contact me if you have any questions.


My mother is William Faucher's first daughter Annette (he had 6 children, five girls and one boy, William). She helped me in getting this information. She remembered a lot of info from this period to include some hard times during the Great Depression.

Paul Duhaime



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