Q. When you speak of "Building
Blocks" does this include the possibility of modular magnetic core
storage units which way be combined to give any size storage capacity
A. It could. However, at present there are some technical and cost
factors that need to be taken into consideration.
Q. Does it appear feasible that Service Engineers will design a system
in the field?
A. This is entirely within the scope or our thinking, but before a
system is designed much work must be done by the customer's systems and
procedures people. It should be certainly practical for a service engineer
to mate changes as required by the customer .
Q. What are the plans for product planning for the section?
A. From the current study of GE department requirements and the
requirements outlined here today, we are confident the product planners
will have plenty to do.
Q. Are you open for business from GE departments? If so, what are
delivery schedules on the Productron and larger computers?
A. We are open for business. The Productron Is available for delivery
in October. Our larger computers will be available