Be sure to look at all items on this page and
also click on the links above!

American Marconi Stock Certificate. This company was to become RCA
after WW1.

(click photo for larger view)
A great 30s sidewalk metal advertising sign that is on display in the RCA
display at SMECC.

Notice this cloth hanging banner seen at another site has the same design!

This is a later advertising cloth banner probabay form the 50s
or 60s.

Yes! A complete RCA EMT
12 Page Brochure has been found!
You may get all 12 pages, but we suggest a high speed line!

RCA Transistor Radios.
The Human Side Of Early Electronics And Semiconductors
By Ivan (Jack) Saddler Reprinted from SMEC
'Vintage Electrics' vol#2 C. 1990
Nipper Page!
By Ivan Saddler

RCA COSMAC 1802 Based Data terminal. |
RCA Wire Recorder Model M1
A reusable plug-in cartridge, loaded with a fine, steel
wire recording medium, recorded up to one-half hour of information.

(click photo for larger view)

We need any manuals,
brochures, servicing information or history from people that have
used one of these units.
Wire Recorder history and theory and repair An interesting link!.
RCA Cassette
Odd item this, a 6,3mm 4 track tape enclosed in a
cassette that can only be described as an oversize Compact
Cassette, remarkably similar in fact. Introduced by RCA
in ca 1957, mono versions of this unit sold well in the US as a cheap
alternative to an open reel recorder, but the stereo version bombed mainly
due to dismal sound quality. This meant that while sales of recorders
where reasonable enough for the company to continue, the lack of software
sales killed the format (RCA being a record company as well as a hardware
one). Mono recorders of this type are common enough as to be semi
worthless, I have been able to find at the least 1 item on sale at any
given time on ebay, but the stereo versions are very hard to get hold of
and seem to command fairly high prices, but since software for the format
appears to have only been released for a couple of years or so and given
that none are known to be unique to the format, this item remains a
curiosity only. P.S. it's often stated that the name of the format is
"Sound Tape", that's incorrect, that is simply the trademark
that the company used for blank tape both before and after the
introduction of the RCA cassette.
archived from
This is an interesting web site offering information
on many audio formats.

(click photo for larger view) |
The RCA tape cartridge, which looked like
a very large cassette, was the first mass-market stereo tape system in the
U.S. However, it appeared the same year as RCA's stereo disc, and the tape
system was not well supported by RCA's marketing or record divisions. It
would live on for many more years in the educational audio-visual field.
Educational versions of the records and tapes were available perhaps as
late as 1970.
Archived from
This site has many informative works on the history of recording |
see RCA TV in other sections also
J. James Gibson
J. James Glbson received the B.Sc. degree (Civilingenjor) in
electrical engineering from the Royal institute of Technology, Stockholm,
Sweden and the M.Sc. degree (Teknologie Licentiat) from Chalmers Institute
of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. From 1946 to 1952 he was employed by
the Swedish Department of Defense engaged in research on antennas,
microwave circuits, and radar systems. As a fellow of the American
Scandinavian Foundation he worked for a year and a half at RCA
Laboratories, Princeton, New Jersey, where he contributed to the
development of TV transmitting antennas and to transistor circuits for
radio receivers. Upon his return to Sweden in 1954 he initiated and led a
transistor circuits research group at the Royal Institute of Technology,
where he also instructed in solid state circuits.
In 1956 Mr. Gibson joined the technical staff of RCA Laboratories where he
has been involved in a variety of projects related to broadcast systems,
solid state circuits, and consumer electronics including TV bandwidth
compression, high speed computer circuits, integrated memories with field
effect transistors, facsimile broadcasting, cable television systems, TV
receiving antennas, holographic recording of television, and FM broadcast
systems for stereophonic and quadraphonic sound. His current research
activities are primarily related to the RCA VideoDisc system. For his
contributions he has received three RCA Laboratories achievement awards
and became a Fellow of the Technical Staff of 1969. From 1971 to 1973 he
was also a lecturer in communication theory at LaSalle College,
Philadelphia, and he is currently visiting professor in the graduate
electrical engineering department at Rutgers University.
Mr. Gibson is a senior member of the IEEE, a member of the AAAS, the Audio
Engineering Society, and the Society of Motion Picture and Television
- RCA 1978 Company Biography
Search for patents
issued to J. James Gibson.
If you have some additional information to supply on J. James
Gibson, feel free to submit the form below, so your comments can be
added to this page.



In Memoriam
J. Audio Eng.
Soc., Vol. 50, No. 1/2, 2002 January/February 99
J ames
AES fellow, died
at the age of 78 on May 23
at The Medical Center in Princeton,
New Jersey. He was a central
figure in the development of television.
Gibson was born in St. Albans, England,
but later lived in Belgium and
Sweden. He lived in Princeton since
1956. He earned a bachelor’s degree
in engineering from the Royal Institute
of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden,
and a doctorate in electrical
Gibson worked for RCA from 1956,
conducting research and development of
communication systems for
technology and consumer electronics.
In the 60s he was a leader in CMOS
memory technology and in 1969
he became a fellow of RCA Laboratories.
He worked on various information
technologies for consumers including
color television standards,
RCA Videodisc, highdefinition television
and antennas. Gibson
received five awards from
RCA Laboratories for Outstanding Achievement
for his technical contributions, including
the development of
multichannel television sound standards
for the United States, for which
he received an Emmy Award in
In 1985 he received the David Sarnoff
Award for Outstanding Technical
Achievement for his numerous
contributions to consumer electronics
and broadcast systems.
He was issued 31 U.S. patents and one
Swedish patent.
A fellow of the IEEE, Gibson also was
a member of Sigma Xi Scientific Research
Society. In 1985 he was awarded
an honorary doctor-of science degree
from Chalmers University of
Technology in Sweden.
After retiring in 1987 he worked as
a consultant to Sarnoff Corp and for
the FCC, where he was involved in
the development of standards for stereo
television. He
is survived by his wife, two sons
and a daughter.
FM Broadcasting of Panoramic Sound |
A system for four channel transmission
over FM radio is proposed in which the most important information
required to convey an acoustic picture around the horizon is
allocated to the best available channels on the FM baseband. The
least significant channel can be dropped to reduce noise,
intermodulation, and cost with very little degradation of angular
resolution. |
Preprint Number:
895 Convention: 43 (August
1972) |
Author: Gibson, J.
James |
E-library Location: (CD
aes8) /pp6975/pp7209/0861.pdf |