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Radio / TV Repair



A Radio Widow -By Ruth Deamer

Published in RADIO Magazine December 1924


My husband has a radio set,

He’s had it just a year,

But if it stays another week-

I’m going away from here.


I’m tired of taking second place,

And don’t see why I should;

I’m going back to Mothers’s

For I know shel’ll treat me good.


We used to have just lots of fun

Before he got this pest,

And now that he’s an amateur

He’s nutty like the rest.


A “ham” drops in most every night,

Perhaps 6XYZ,

Or some such silly person-

Who has no use for me.


They turn the knobs, and twist the dials,

Change the wires too,

And wonder why – with single tubes,

They can’t hear Kalamazoo .


Some one comes on with music,

But as they start to play

We skip from “Red Hot Mamma”

To “The End of a Perfect Day.”


A sermon or a recipe,

It doesn’t matter which,

They’re cut in two completely

When the boys decide to switch.


They talk about grid-leaks,

The rheostats, and such,

And if I change the subject

I’m sure “to get in Dutch.”


Thus we spend our evenings-

Or nearly every one,

So I can’t see just where and how

I’m having any fun.


Since we don’t go to dances

I’m getting stiff- and say;

If this keeps up I know for sure

I’ll soon be turning gray.


And so this world and then the next,

But I hope where ‘ere I go

The place won’t be all cluttered up

With some old radio.


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