
An interesting pre- MARC concept and history....pub.
1962 |
The MARC Pilot Project. Final Report
We have a copy in the SMECC library in hardback but
you will find a link to a PDF of it for your
viewing pleasure!
The copy pictured below was from the
General Electric/ Honeywell Large Information Systems
Library that was absorbed into the SMECC Museum Library.

"THE" Book that established the
MARC Format!
Published by Library of Congress usgpo 1968.
The MARC Pilot Project. Final Report.
The MARC Pilot Project was an experiment conducted by the Library
of Congress, in cooperation with 16 participating libraries, to
determine the feasibility of putting cataloging data into
machine-readable from for distribution of magnetic tapes. MARC
(Machine Readable Cataloging) records were distributed for some
16,000 titles in the pilot phase from November 1966 through June
1967 and for additional titles in the following fiscal year while
the project was in transition to an operational stage. By June 30,
1968, approximately 50,000 records had been distributed to the
participants for use in the production of book catalogs, catalog
cards, book selection notices, and other library tools. This final
report by the project's director contains a detailed description
of the MARC pilot system, including the tape format, character
sets, bibliographic codes, and input procedures. An analysis of
the cost of production during the pilot period, as well as brief
summaries of the computer programs used, are provided. The new
MARC system which evolved from work carried out in the project and
which is used for the MARC Distribution Service is also described.
An appendix includes the reports and analyses of the pilot project
written by the participating libraries. (LC Information Bull.)
Cataloging (MARC) Program
Henriette D. Avram
The Library of Congress, Washington,
District of Columbia, U.S.A.
Many words have been written on the subject of the
Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC) Program: the
events that led to the pilot project, the development of
the format, the operational Distribution Service, the
influence of MARC on standardization, and the impetus
it gave to library automation projects and to the creation
of networks here and abroad. This article serves to gather
together all aspects of the national and international
MARC system.
Much of what follows has been fairly well documented
in many published reports, journal articles, etc., and
therefore this article relies heavily on that material. A
Bibliography based on the article’s main headings has
been included for those readers who wish to explore any
aspect of MARC in greater depth.
Download Henriette D. Avram's paper HERE
(The bibliography and notes sections are awesome in
the article!)
M300 workstation
In The OCLC/ALISE Library & Information
Science Research Grant Program: 25+ years of cutting-edge library sciences
Lynn Silipigni Connaway: states - : From 1985 through
1987, OCLC funded 26 projects and provided OCLC dedicated terminals or
OCLC M300 or M310 workstations, with minimal actual dollars for research.
Ed Sharpe archivist for SMECC says: "We need a copy of: Kenney,
Brigitte L., Edward T. O'Neill, and John Bunge. 1986. "OCLC database
use analysis: determination of an appropriate database subset for
cataloging on the OCLC M300 workstation". Annual Review of OCLC
Research. 1985-." email us at www.smecc.org
if you have one
"M300 AND PC
REPORT. The independent guide to uses
of OCLC's M300 Workstations and
IBM personal computers in libraries.
$60.00 (monthly) ISSN 0743-7633."
M300 Workstation OCLC
Newsletter Articles Needed!
1983 No. 149 pp 4,5 Evolution of
library use: More than a terminal: the M300 workstation will give users
formidable computing power
May 1984 No. 152 pp2,3 M300 Workstation
June 1984 No. 153 M300 workstation news
September 1984 No. 154 10 Interlibrary loan micro enhancer now
available for M300 workstations
October 1985 No. 159 14 Version 2 of ILL Micro
Enhancer Now available for M300 Workstations
December 1985 No. 160 11 New M300 software
distributed to users
April 1986 No. 162 15 Cataloging ME Version 2 available for M300
March/April 1987 No. 167 1 First M300XT installed

Bought over 16 years ago at Glendale City Surplus
sale -
Folks: this is not my main area of study, so I will need
your help to fill in some of the history! Please send us some
of the old books and documents, type up stories, dictate tapes and mail
them to us, whatever... let's see what we can come up with!
Thanks Ed Sharpe archivist for SMECC
coury house / smecc
5802 w palmaire ave
glendale az 85301