"I think it gave Intel its future, and for
the first 15 years we didn't realize it," said Intel
Chairman Andy Grove. "It has become Intel's defining
business area. But for...maybe the first 10 years, we looked at
it as a sideshow. It kind of makes you wonder how many sideshows
there are that never become anything more."
In the past 30 years, of course, microprocessors and
microcontrollers (embedded microprocessors with integrated
components) have become ubiquitous. In 2000 alone, 385 million
microprocessors were shipped and 6.4 billion microcontrollers
went out factory doors, according to Mercury Research.
"It is not an exaggeration to say that the
microprocessor has made a fundamental impact on everyone's life
in this country," said Linley Gwennap, principal analyst at
The Linley Group. "Before the microprocessor, computers
were these huge things...that filled up a room or at least were
file cabinet size."
The chip trio
The 4004 was essentially the brainchild of three engineers: Ted
Hoff, Stan Mazor and Federico Faggin. In April 1969, Busicom, a
Japanese calculator manufacturer, contracted with Intel, then
specializing in memory, to develop a series of custom chips for
five upcoming machines.
The concept had been considered inevitable; the difficulty
lay in how to do it. Mazor, a former Fairchild Semiconductor
engineer, joined Hoff to develop a design.
Economically, a single chip was imperative. Busicom's
original specifications "would have taken about 16
different chips," recalled Les Vadasz, president of Intel
Capital, the chipmaker's investment arm, and one of the managers
of the 4004. "We said, 'Holy s**t. We don't have that kind
of manpower.'"
Cost-conscious Intel also required that the calculator chip
fit into the same 16-pin package the company used on its memory
products. Pins, the metallic channels on a pin package, serve as
conduits for electrical signals.
"We were very careful in being minimalistic," Mazor
said. "Management wasn't too interested in (the 4004). We
got into the computer business more or less by mistake."
After Hoff and Mazor completed the conceptual architecture,
Intel's Vadasz lured Faggin from Fairchild in April 1970 to
construct the chip. Like Hoff, Faggin had already established a
reputation within the industry. He had developed silicon gate
technology, which allowed designers to drop aluminum transistor
gates, which were far larger and harder to control.
Silicon gate technology "was smaller, faster, more
reliable, cheaper. What more do you want?" Faggin said.
To this day, disagreements swirl over who deserves the most
credit for the 4004. The architecture guaranteed the chips would
work, said Mazor, calling Faggin "the guy who stayed up all
night and tested them to see if they worked."
For his part, Faggin said that "anybody with a college
degree could design an instruction set," a fundamental part
of Hoff and Mazor's work in 1971--an opinion shared by some
analysts. Mazor even admits that he and Hoff borrowed liberally
from IBM and Digital instruction sets. Vadasz, who had a bitter
falling out with Faggin in the 1970s, credits Hoff because he
came up with the necessary creative conceptual leaps.
Time was running out
In any event, deadlines had already become a crisis. On Faggin's
second day on the job, Masatoshi Shima, a Busicom engineer,
arrived to check on the project's progress. No work had been
done since December. Shima hit the roof.
"It was very close" to falling apart, Faggin
recalled. "It took me the best part of one week to calm him
Nonetheless, Busicom granted an extension to the contract.
Fourteen-hour workdays for Faggin and three drafting assistants
followed. Unlike current designers, who use high-end
workstations to design circuits, Faggin's team laid out circuit
patterns with razor-thin strips of rubylith, designing tape now
considered archaic even by newspaper layout rooms.
While the 4004 became the first microprocessor, Intel's total
package consisted of four chips: the 4001, a read-only memory
(ROM) chip for storing software; the 4002, a random access
memory (RAM) chip for data storage; and the 4003, an
input-output device. By October, working samples of the 4001 had
been produced--a milestone.
"Before that time, I was under a lot of stress because I
didn't know if there were any 'gotchas,'" Faggin said.
Forgetting something?
Despite early success, the first batch of 4004 chips didn't
work--a quick look through a microscope showed the manufacturing
team had forgotten a crucial step. The memory still prompts a
big laugh from Faggin.
Although the delays angered Busicom, the extension handed
Intel its first fortunate twist of fate. Some Intel insiders
began to comprehend the power of the invention, assisted by
pushing from the three inventors.
Intel founder Bob Noyce, for instance, started to question
whether the 4004 had broader implications, recalled Vadasz.
Meanwhile, the calculator business had become more cutthroat.
By the time Intel finished the 4004, Busicom wanted a discount.
Intel made a counteroffer: It would drastically cut the contract
price if Busicom would grant Intel a license to freely sell the
chip outside the calculator market. Busicom agreed.
Mixed reaction
An article in ElectronicNews heralded the release of the 4004.
It processed 4 bits of data at a time, ran at 108 kilohertz (a
tenth of 1 megahertz) and could perform mathematical
calculations. It cost less than $100. Gordon Moore, Intel's CEO
at the time, hailed it as "one of the most revolutionary
products in the history of mankind."
Others were less excited. "It was interesting, but it
certainly wasn't perceived as a threat," said Nathan
Brookwood, a processor analyst who was at that point working at
Digital Equipment, the then-reigning titan in mini-computers.
Years later, many still failed to grasp the concept. In 1975,
a senior engineer at DEC told Brookwood that Intel would
"never be a threat...That was the conventional wisdom in
the mini-computer business in the mid-1970s to late 1970s."
In April 1972, Intel released the 8008, which could process
data in 8-bit chunks. Negotiations once again worked to Intel's
The 8008 chip was designed for Datapoint, a terminal
manufacturer in Texas that couldn't pay for it at the end of the
contract. To settle, Datapoint granted Intel the rights to the
chip, including the instruction set, which Datapoint developed.
The instruction set eventually became part of the basis for the
X86 architecture behind Intel chips today.
"The irony is that the original instruction set was
theirs, and the original motivation was theirs," Mazor
Breakthrough with the 8080
The breakthrough moment for microprocessing came in 1974,
according to many, with the 8080 processor. Not only did the
chip feature a more complex instruction set, it came in a
package with 40 pins, two innovations that greatly expanded its
capabilities. "With 4-bit processors, the level of
complexity is minimal," said Dean McCarron, principal
analyst at Mercury Research. "The 8080 was a home
By this time, though, competitors such as RCA, Honeywell and
Fairchild had come out with microprocessors, many of which, such
as Motorola's 6800 family, provided superior performance. Zilog,
whose engineers included Faggin and former Busicom engineer
Shima, received rave reviews for its Z80 processor. So how did
Intel emerge as the victor?
For one, the company strove to ensure that adoption was as
easy as possible. Along with chips, Intel sold complete
development systems to industrial designers to seed software
"In a way, through that project, we had the first PC,
but we never capitalized on it," Vadasz said. "With
the emergence of the PC, that business disappeared."
Competitors also miscalculated demand. National
Semiconductor, for instance, marketed an expensive 16-bit chip
in an 8-bit world, recalled Mazor. "Everybody did
everything else wrong, and they did it with great effort,"
he said.
But most importantly, IBM selected the Intel 8088 for the
first PC in 1981. IBM had two PC projects: one in Austin, Texas,
and one in Florida. The Austin project relied on a Motorola
processor, but delays made IBM favor the Florida project.
"You can't underestimate the importance of the IBM
deal," McCarron said. "If it wasn't for that, we'd be
talking about Motorola vs. AMD."
Or not. In a final twist in the early years, IBM required
that Intel find a second source for the chip. The company turned
to AMD, singing a licensing agreement that effectively helped
create its lead competitor today.