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William C. Carter '38
William C. Carter '38, a pioneer in the fields of reliable and fault-tolerant computing, died January 31 in Bath, Maine, at 79. Born in Waterville, Maine, to Mary Caswell Carter '04 and Professor of Mathematics Benjamin Carter, he graduated from Coburn Academy. At Colby he was active in numerous organizations, including football and the Glee Club, and majored in mathematics. After graduating as a member of Phi Beta Kappa, he was a Rhodes Scholar at Balliol College in Oxford, England. He served in the Navy during World War II as a meteorologist in the South Pacific. In 1947 he received a doctorate in math from Harvard University and was employed as an engineer at Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland. He helped design and develop computers and programming systems for Raytheon, Datamatic and Honeywell before joining IBM, where he led initiatives in advanced systems automation for 30 years before his retirement in 1986. He was the author of scores of articles and scientific papers and held more than 20 patents. During his career he received many honors and was made a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. In 1986, he and his brother, the late Clark H. Carter '40, established the Carter Professorship in Mathematics, and in 1987 he received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the College. He is survived by his wife, Virginia, two sons, a daughter, a granddaughter

Datamatic 1000

Written by Julian Thomas (jt at

Designed for commercial work; particular emphasis on being able to handle large tape files; tape sorts where it was significantly faster than IBM 705 (largely due to the ability to read tape backwards and well designed tape units). Vacuum tubes with some transistors.

3" wide tapes with 31 data tracks across the tape; each track held 2 words. Large reels (a bit smaller than a VW spare tire), and physically large drives with vacuum capstans for moving the tape. Noisy - a tape sort sounded like a convention of hippos or warthogs. Capacity was comparable to a 2314 disk pack. 8 tapes max on the machine. Fixed block size of 62 words. Blocks were alternately spaced on the tape so that going forward there was a block-sized space between 'forward' blocks for start/stop. When the tape got to the end it would reverse direction and use the alternate blocks, so the block structure went like this:

                ______________ __.......  ________________
               |    |         |          |      |         | far end
start of tape: |F1  | B 999.9 |F2        |F n/2 | Bn/2 +1 | of tape
There was an instruction to switch tape halves, and a few people worked with what they called "U-shaped files".

By convention standard "File Identification Blocks" - FIBs were used to designate Start of File, end of file (not always used) and End of Reserved Information (i.e. write over this when adding another file).

Tape writing involved transferring data to the output buffer and then issuing a write instruction, after it completed, the buffer was prefilled with output buffer filler words (buffer fillers are described below).

There were 2 input buffers that could be alternated (reading into one while transferring data from the other). This was useful only if the data was transferred and processed in chunks (smaller than the 62 word tape block); otherwise it was simpler just to read into one buffer and transfer the block to memory. When the buffer was empty, additional transfers would store input buffer filler words.

Tape operations were interlocked, transfers were blocked until the output buffer was free (or the specified input buffer was full).

Memory was 2000 48-bit words (but see below) - core. A word was usually an instruction (described below) or decimal (sign + 11 digits) or alpha (8 6bit characters, altho I'm not sure the coding was identical to IBM's.
00 prefix: numerics
01 A-I
10 J-R
11 /-Z
with the non alfameric characters in the remaining 27 slots).

Arithmetic was decimal (8421 coded). The high order bit was a sign (1=+); an official + was E (remember hex was B-G so E was 1101) and a minus was 5.

Instruction format was 3 address.

The first 4 bits were sign (1 bit) and address zone bits (one for each address), then a 2 digit op code and 3 address fields (each decimal 000-999). An address zone bit of 0 designated lower memory (000-999) 1 was 1000-1999. Certain instructions had address fields that were not memory addresses - tape unit, count (for shifts and multiword transfers) - not sure there was anything else.

Special addresses - 0 000 was 'void'.

Branches were by a Sequence Change (which changed the program counter) or a subsequence call (execute one instruction without changing the program counter); SCS (Seq Ch & SS call) did both, except that a branch or SS call address of 0 meant 'no branch (or no SS call). However, you could branch to 0 using a compare instruction, and there was a "start at 0" button on the console.

Consider the following instructions:

1100  ADD  A  B  C
1101  TXS  x  y  1200
1102  SUB  A  B  C
1200  ADD  counter =1 counter
Actual sequence: 1100 1101 1200 1102. Note that if 1200 had done a sequence call, we never would have gotten to 1102. If 1200 had another subseq call, that instruction (repeat until bored) would also have been executed before 1102.

SCS was op code 00. Branch & Return (BAR) was like SCS except that it stored the program counter in location A - effectively this was an SCS to the next sequential instruction. The downside of this instructon was that for a subroutine call you either needed to know 2 addresses (where to store the return and where to start) or you needed to subsequence to the subroutine which did its own BAR.

[I've had a nagging feeling that the D1000 had an additional instruction that was a multi-way subseq call - SSL - shift and select - which shifted A B places and added the single digit to C and did a subseq call to that location. Remember that sorting was one of the mainstays of that machine, and this was aimed at radix sorts.]

1980-1989 were normal memory locations but had various hardware significance (a console button initiated a SS call to 1982; input buffer fillers were sentinel ss calls to 1985 and output buffer fillers went to 1984; there may have been one for overflow).

1990-1999 were hardware registers with special significance.

  • 1990 - control register
    Putting a word in 1990 caused it to be executed out of sequence; with no index registers, adding to 1990 allowed address indexing without modifying instructions (although you could not index across the 999-1000 boundary).
  • 1991 - did not exist
    The utility system (a monitor) filled memory with x21 yyy 000 991 (21 was print numeric of the A address, seqence change to B and SS call to C. yyy (along with the A zone bit in x) was the memory location so the result was to print the location and then hang with the SS call to a nonexistent register.
  • 1992 - ??
  • 1993 - A substitute to 1993 performed an AND operation; the results could then be retrieved. Faster than putting zeros in a location and substituting thereto, especially for a comparison.
  • 1995 - Like 1991
  • 199x - ?? Remainder register
  • 1998 - Sentinel register ???
  • 1999 - Had a mangled form of the last instruction executed.

Several others in there were real and had significance; one of them must have been the program counter (which was signed + and in the B address position). See description above of the BAR instruction. I once put a negative number into the PC from the console. It executed one instruction and then hung - one hand tried to go forward and the other backwards.

There was a little-used facility - Sentinel instruction words (with a 0 sign bit). Certain operations (tape buffer transfers) would put a word in the sentinel register if detected (remember that the buffer fillers were sentinel subsequence calls to 1984/1985); otherwise a no-op would go in the sentinel register, so a subsequence call to the register could be used to differentiate. I think it had to do with a technique for detecting buffer full/ empty conditions without having to keep count.



  • Add/Subtract/multiply/divide.
    Usually A op B result to C, except that divide was B / A -> C so the op was once referred to as "goes into".


  • TXS - copy A to B and subsequence call to C. Often used for "cyclic counters" - structure:
    • CC0 - variable word - target of a SS call
    • CC1 - TXS CC2 CC0 -
    • CC2 to CC(N-1): similar
    • CCN - TXS CC1 CC0 Somewhere
    so every n'th call went somewhere.


  • TNT - N word transfer.
    For TNT and buffer transfer ops, B was the count which was 5 bit binary and maxed out at 32 (coded as 0).


  • TIA, TIB, others: Input buffer transfers.
    N words from specified IB to A; subsequence to C.


  • TXO - N words from A to output buffer, displacing the output buffer fillers. (if you put 8 words in the OB and wrote, the block would have the 8 words and then 54 words of OB filler).


  • Rxy - Read tape A as specified, seq ch to B and SS to C. x was F - forward; B backward. Y was buffer specification


  • WFA - Write tape A - sc B ss to C.


  • Switch halves (front to back/vice versa). You then needed to do a "throwaway" read of garbage and then a read and figure out where you were.


  • Shifts - left/right - numeric (without sign) or alfa - unsigned. Shift count was actually N 4 bit shifts and optionally an additional 2 bit shift, so left alfa 3 would be 4 4bit and 1 2bit.


  • Compare: Less or equal; not equal - and numeric/alfa [unsigned] LCA LCN ICA ICN


  • Compare A to B - conditional sequence change to C.


  • Substitute A into C using B as a mask (bitwise operation).
    If mask bit = 1 - replace bit in C with bit from A.
    If mask bit 0, leave C alone.
    If C=1993, A anded with B stored in 1993.
    SST A B 1990 guaranteed a hang.


  • IO - tape. All unit record was offline to/from tape. Cards in; low speed printer (IBM 407); High Speed printer. Console typewriter (actually a Friden Flexowriter with a paper tape reader and a punch). Print alpha or numeric - one word. Slow even compared to electric typewriters.

Paper tape was used for bootstrapping - the standard bootstrap was 5 words, read into 1982 and then you pushed the SS to 1982 button. Storing into consecutive addresses was done by means of a Clary adding machine that incremented and then set the 'write to memory' address; to do a manual write, ISTR you set the address in the adder keyboard and then typed in the data. Not terribly reliable; I remember that someone once built a 'clary adder simulator' box.

I used the 2 bit shift and the decimal add instruction as the basis for doing binary addition (and eventually an H800 simulator) on the 1000. Binary add done as follows:


  1. extract 1 and 2 bits of operands; add together (result was in range 0-6, or 7 with a previous carry);


  2. extract 4 and 8 bits and shift right 2 bits. add together and add the shifted 4 bits from above. Result is again in range 0-7. Extract 4 bits and shift right 2; this becomes carry for next round. Shift the result left 2 and substitute into result of add of 1 & 2 bits.


  3. Any 4 bits get shifted right 2 and became carries for the next round


  4. Repeat until no more carries. This does 44 bits; the high order 4 bits were shifted right and added using the same method.

The simulator used the first 1000 words of memory as H800 memory (multiply was an option that took back 100 words; it used repeated shifts and adds and was slow!). I don't remember if I did tape ops or not - probably did mapping the h800 variable length blocks into 1 or more D1000 62 word blocks (maybe there was a flag word/block size indicator in the front of each block??). Obviously I didn't do any of the multi programming stuff - there was just one control group, just one set of registers.

I also coordinated the building of a cross assembler (DASH) that ran on the D1000 and produced H800 object code. Unlike classical assemblers that built symbol tables in memory on pass 1 and created object code on pass 2, this one used 3 oasses plus 2 tape sorts. pass 1 generated symbol definitions (defs) and references (refs) to tape as 3word items; symbol; type (def or ref) and sequence number (in the source stream), and also did error checking and parsing of the source; the intermediate data was written on tape as 15word items and used as input to pass 5. The tape with the 3word items was sorted on symbol value and then type of use (def before ref). Pass 3 read the defs and refs and plugged the definitions into the refs which were then written back out to tape; this was where duplicate defs and unassigned symbols were detected (special output 3 word items were generated for these); the resulting 3 word items were again sorted - into the original order and pass 5 merged this with the 15word items from pass 1, creating the object code and a listing tape.


See also Martin H. Weik, "A Third Survey of Domestic Electronic Digital Computing Systems," Ballistic Research Laboratories, Report No. 1115, March 1961 at

J. Ernest Smith, "A New Large-Scale Data Handling System, DATAmatic 1000," Proc. Eastern Joint Computer Conference, December 1956, pp. 22-28.



Original 10 page brochure for Honeywell's massive Datamatic 1000, 1956. In near fine condition with signed business card from Datamatic taped to last page. Priority shipping $5

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