Manual Of Instruction In
Army Signaling 1886 |
Section III- Apparatus, And Method Of
Using It.
Foreword to this little book was by Arthur Herbert
Q.M.C |

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Note.... Neat books like this can really give us a glimpse of
the past. They do the world little good if they are just on a
packed shelf or a dark closet. Let us all make an effort to get some
of this information online so everyone can benefit from it!
If you do not possess scanners or
digital cameras please contact us.
We are always looking to purchase
material such as this book to enhance the reference library.
-- Ed Sharpe Archivist for SMECC |

"Stereoview #11847, soldiers "Working the Heliograph,
Johannesburg Fort, South Africa" during the Boer War in 1900.
Published by Keystone View Company in Meadville, PA. Copyrighted in 1900
by B.L. Tingley.

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1906 Pre-WWI Postcard
posed group of Signalers using a Heliograph Signaling instrument.
The card is a Raphael Tuck
'Oilette' and was sent through the post in 1906.
A Tucks Postcard (UK) that says " US Army
Heliographing - Photo by Chaplain Dickson - USA
The postmark on card is June 15, 1908. We can
assume the photo is before that date... but.... when?

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Signaling By Signal Lamp

am sending the pictures with the lamp with this. They do not have a
special caption, they are a part of an photo article on army communication
in 1940 (there are others, with radios, telephones, loudspeakers and so
source is “Vida Doméstica Magazine”, special issue on the Brazilian
army, 1940. The number of the photo is the page number in the magazine.
only photo I can identify is p142a, which shows president Vargas
(the one with the dark suit) during a visit to the Army Communication
Material Factory. From Adler Homero Fonseca de Castror
(Click on any photo in
this section to make
sent us the Heliograph apparatus photo...
says on the base that it was made by J Steward, The Strand, London
tell us more about it... Model Make etc?