Edwin N. Phillips - Collins Radio
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Edwin N. Phillips - Collins Radio


?? We need to learn more about him and his work>


1950's Collins Radio Co
 inventor/electrical engineer
 notebook w/photos,plans

We have just come into possession of a compilation of material on electronic projects that was put together by an electrical engineer/inventor/author at Collins Radio Company in the 1950s.  His name was Edwin N. Phillips and I believe may have been from New Jersey and is now deceased.  Mr. Phillips was not only an engineer but he also received several patents for Collins and authored several papers and at least one book (details?). After he was at Collins  he went to Northrop in Florida form  what some leads  direct us.

The collection is in a two hole binder and consists of many photos, drawings, tables, Collins Radio magazines (Collins Signal and Collins Column), specification folders and other material from the projects I presume he was a part of from that time period.  Many of the pages are real photographs with typed descriptions on the back or face.  Others are pages that have been copied from photographs and they too are carefully and precisely labeled, mainly on the face.  Other materials are foldout drawings, newspaper reprint copies and typed notes and descriptions.  There are over 100 photos and photo copies and most are full size 8-1/2" x 11".  This binder is a unique slice of the history and innovation of the Collins Radio Company enjoyed in the 1950s and positively fascinating record of his  time at Collins Radio. There is mention of W. W. Salisbury in there but  I suspect  Most of Phillips time at Collins was after Salisbury had left as Director Of Research there.

There was  references to Salisbury and a retirement news clipping for him.

A few Sample photos are here


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All Photos C-SMECC

EDWIN N. PHILLIPS, 84, Marilea Court, Orange City, died Wednesday, April 18. Mr. Phillips was a retired electrical engineer with Lockheed Electronics, Orlando. Born in Pittsburgh, he moved to Central Florida in 1957. He was a senior member of the Institute of Radio Engineers and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Survivors: wife, Jeraldine; daughter, Wendy Freiner, California; brother, Lee, Venice; sister, Janet, Oakland, Calif. National Cremation Society, Daytona Beach.



Edwin N Phillips Orange City, FL 540 Marilea Ct 32763   May 1916




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