Cold War Era
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This exciter was used in a Titan Missile Silo
for tactical communications.

comments provided to us:

(Just visited your site .. If you are interested in the exciter ..

It was originally developed in 1961 by the U.S. Navy for the Radio
Sets AN/WRC-1, Transmitters AN/URT-23( )  and AN/URT-24 .. it is the
exciter T-827( ) /URC unit of these equipment's. USAF purchased units
and renomenclatured them and in some silos they were painted black for
some reason. Developed and originally produced by General Dynamics,
Rochester NY.
The AN/URT-23( ) is still in use today!!!!

Fred Chapman W4CHT
Original NAVELEX Project Engineer for the above equipments)

GRC-27 / TRC-32

(click to see the big picture!)

"Adversary Agent Radio" by James J. Fauth, V10:1-57-67 (Winter 1966) PDF
   Description of radio equipment used by agents from Communist countries in late 1950s and early 1960s;  from


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