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The following  Pictures below are


files when you click on them. Do this only with a high bandwidth connection such as DSL only! They are EACH 1.7 to 2.5 meg each, but are spectacular!

mot1.jpg (1779878 bytes)

mot2.jpg (1488016 bytes)

mot3.jpg (1799707 bytes)

mot4.jpg (1956400 bytes)

mot5.jpg (1852008 bytes)

mot6.jpg (1955955 bytes)

mot7.jpg (2605677 bytes)

mot8.jpg (1304342 bytes)



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Material © SMECC 2007 or by other owners 

Contact Information for
Southwest Museum of Engineering,
Communications and Computation 

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Postal address 
smecc.org - Admin. 
Coury House / SMECC 
5802 W. Palmaire Ave 
Glendale, AZ 85301 

Electronic mail 
General Information: info@smecc.org