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ZiCom Technologies Inc

Discontinued products manufactured by ZiCom Technologies Inc (Text from AbleData Database Ad 1990 from TDI Blue Book)



--- DISCONTINUED. (Verified 10/2009) RETAINED IN DATABASE FOR REFERENCE. --- The 300Zi Internal Modem Card is a card that fits inside an IBM PC or XT computer to enable it to function as a TDD. Features include answering machine with remote control access capability, auto detection to identify and set up the proper mode (ASCII or Baudot) for incoming calls, on-screen flashes indicating an incoming call, the ability to save up to five pages of conversation to disk, a line status indicator for outgoing calls, and speed redial. The card fits into the computer, and is then plugged directly into a telephone jack. The modem may also be used to access electronic bulletin boards and networks. COMPATABILITY: For use on IBM-PC PC, and IBM-PC XT computers. DIMENSIONS: 6.5 x 4 x 1 inches.




Text from Able Data ----- DISCONTINUED. (Verified 10/2009) RETAINED IN DATABASE FOR REFERENCE. --- TouchTalk TravelPro is a pocket-sized, portable telecommunications device for people with deafness (TDD). The device's TDD mode allows communication over phone lines. The Dialer mode stores and dials up to 100 16-digit telephone numbers, each of which may have a ten-character name attached; these numbers may be recorded automatically if they are dialed while the TDD is in Dialer mode. Memo mode stores and transmits up to ten files. The device also includes an automatic power-off two minutes after last key-in, a time/date display, and an LED status indicator (busy tone, dial tone, speech, etc.). The display is two lines, 24 characters each. Model A can store 3,200 characters of a conversation and 3,000 characters of memos; Model B can store 15,000 characters of each. (The memo characters are a maximum for combined characters in all ten memo files.) Options include a 6V battery adapter/recharger. DIMENSIONS: 8.7 x 3.8 x 1.4 inches.



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