Armed Forces Radio Service
APO 244 c/o PM
San Francisco, CaIif.
(printed in the return address space on the back of the folded 8x11
Dear Ed,
It's strange how things happen. I've saved this WXLD-KSAI cartoon for
59 years for no known reason.
Last fall my wife, Jean, asked me the location of Batan. I pulled up a
map on the internet to show her and nearby were Guam and Saipan. During
the following night I dreamed of WXLD and my time there during the winter
and spring of 1946. The following day I searched WXLD and came upon your
web site and KSAI-WXLD. This led to photographs of the hut where our
studios were. I even remembered bringing the anchors for the pending
storm. Ivan Saddler's name appeared and I sent some comments to him. You
were next in line.
It's nice to have found a likely home for the cartoon. It is being
mailed to you folded since this has been its storage condition over the
For your information I am and was: Thomas Roth Bryan ETM 21c, USNR,
264-11-58. Funny how a serial number sticks. Still don't remember my
Social Security number.
Sincerely yours,
Tom Bryan

William H. Ramsey friends at
WXLD Saipan -- June 1944 to Dec 1945 |

William H. Ramsey at WXLD
Saipan -- June 1944 to Dec 1945
"My sister remembers Dad mentioning that
he'd met Tyrone Power, that he suffered through Dengue Fever.
I also remember mention of Dengue, the heat, and that he developed
a fungus on his toenails that never went away. I
remember that he mentioned being "Uncle Bill" and hosting
"Noon Tunes" at WXLD. "
"Sure wish I'd asked more questions, or paid
closer attention when he did talk. "
Hello. Some years ago I shared some photos, clippings, etc. from my
father, William H. “Bill” Ramsey’s collection while serving with
the Armed
Forces Radio Service. Those items are posted at
One of the clippings is of/about subject man, Jim Moore. Today I
came across Mr. Moore’s obituary online and thought I would share it
you, in case you are interested:
James Moore

James Francis Moore Sept. 26, 1918 - April 10, 2010 Jim had a
wonderfully long and full life. Born in Michigan in 1918, he moved
with his family to Berkeley in 1936. Having developed an interest in
acting while in high school, Jim segued into a career in radio
announcing at KRE while attending UC Berkeley. While at KRE he hosted
a popular jazz program and became involved in the local jazz scene.
After graduation in 1941 he worked at KSFO until World War II
interrupted, taking him to the Pacific Theater where he served four
years as an Army Specialist broadcasting on Armed Forces Radio. Jim
came home in 1946 and married his sweetheart and long-time fan Juanita
Smith. In 1948 he began working for KGO in San Francisco; his various
roles as staff announcer included disc jockey, interviewer,
newscaster, variety show MC - once even presiding over a cooking show!
During his last few years at KGO, Jim was host of the Jim Moore Show,
a kinder, gentler prototype of today's rough and tumble call-in talk
show. After retiring in 1972, Jim and Juanita traveled the world from
their home base in Muir Beach, living for a time in southern France.
Jim and Juanita were actively involved from the early years of the
Marin Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. For them, the church remained
a focal point and life-long source of community and friendship. Jim
had a wonderful sense of humor and an insatiable curiosity about the
world around him. He loved hiking the Sierra, music, good food and
good company, his family, and..... bad puns! Jim is survived by his
sister Marjorie Gasser and his three children: Marnie, Jamie, and
Janet Moore, and their partners Michael MacKenzie and Diana Davis. A
Memorial Service will be held on May 23 at 4:00pm at the Marin UUCM,
240 Channing Way, San Rafael CA.
Published in San Francisco Chronicle on April 25, 2010
Marilyn - 8/2013