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Throughout the country a growing number of colleges,
universities, and vocational schools are developing
regularly scheduled courses in data processing.
Moreover, business and industry spend large sums of
money and valuable time training their personnel
prior to conversion to electronic data processing.
But most of these training courses lack one prime
factor-a computer system for practical instruction.
Univac concluded that an inexpensive laboratory tool
was needed to allow students to practice computer
techniques learned in the classroom.
Engineered to complement your classroom instruction .,. The UNIVAC 422
Computer is a compact, transportable computer that
incorporates many of the basic features of much
larger processors solid-state components, magnetic
core storage, parallel operations, and a powerful repertoire of
instructions. In addition to its use as a training
device, the 422 Computer can be used by programmers
as a program logic tester.
The UNIVAC 422 has been carefully designed to meet
the needs of both classroom and laboratory.
For classroom use, a group of students can easily observe
the registers and controls of the machine, and can
learn proper operating procedures. All logical elements are exposed,
permitting the instructor to demonstrate the
functions of the individual circuits. In the
laboratory, two or three students may be assigned to
the same machine at one time, yielding a high-use
factor and increasing the amount of actual machine
time given to each student.
TESTED AND ACCEPTED... The forerunner of the
UNIVAC 422 Computer has been tested and accepted by the military services
where electronic data processing plays an extremely
vital role. Military personnel found that the use of
this computer greatly reduced training time and increased student comprehension
of data processing and electronics maintenance. Now
an advanced and improved version of that trainer is
commercially available to reduce training time and

Click for larger view.
Typewriter and Paper
Tape Reader and Punch
Magnetic Core Storage, 512 word capacity. Cycle time is 6 microseconds.
Access time is 1.25 microseconds
WORD LENGTH 15 bits, binary
Add - 12 microseconds (total execution time) Subtract - 12 micro·
seconds (total execution time)
Multiply - 30-60 microseconds
Divide - 57 microseconds
Nine registers, including an Index Register
64 basic instructions including the use of modifiers
60 cycle, 115 VAC, 500 watts. (approx.)
OVER·ALL SIZE 9" x 26" x 54"
Sixty-four instructions provide the programmer
with all of the tools necessary to build his
program. These instructions allow for maximum
programming flexibility, and include arithmetic
functions such as add, . subtract, multiply, divide, and complement;
logical functions such as transfer, shift, store,
jump, and selective stop; and input-output functions
for communicating with the typewriter and the paper
tape reader and punch. The repertoire is flexible
enough to allow the preparation of elementary
programs in the areas of scientific computation, process
control, business problems, and information
The UNIVAC 422 Computer is designed for use in basic or advanced data
processing courses by colleges, universities, and technical institutions,
and training departments of business firms, and governmental agencies. In
addition, this versatile computer is also available to users of
large-scale systems for running test problems. Its cost is surprisingly
The UNIVAC 422 Computer does not limit the student to a part of a
computer, or a pseudo-computer, but affords practice on a complete data
processing system. At the same time, the 422 Computer is simple enough to
be understood by the beginner in a short period of time; this is an
important factor in maintaining high interest levels. |
Reliable transistors and printed circuit cards of the UNIVAC 422 Computer
are identical to, and operate at the same speed as, those in much larger
UNIVAC Systems. Full parallel operations, magnetic core memory, and
high-speed and program-step running modes duplicate the most desirable
characteristics of these larger systems.
On-the-spot maintenance by the owner or user is made practical because the
UNIVAC 422 Computer can be furnished with spare circuit cards. A circuit
card testing device is built into the front panel of the 422 Computer.
Easy accessibility, test probes, and standard logic cards make it simple
to demonstrate and practice maintenance procedures. |
new low cost time-saver for EDP training
The impact of electronic data processing has been felt in many varied
areas of American life; in business and industry; in government and
national defense; in medicine, transportation science and education, In
order to increase knowledge in this still relatively new medium of data
handling, UNIVAC has engineered and built the 422 Computer, an
inexpensive, compact, binary computer for use as a training device in the
data processing classroom. Its unusual power and versatility make it
capable of duplicating many of the characteristics and operations of large
scale systems.
We are
Searching for a UNIVAC 422 to complement the other computer training
devices we have in the Computation Collection at the museum!
Please drop us a line if you know the location of a unit or any
parts or manuals associated with it!
Page No.
Control Section
Arithmetic Section
Storage Section
Input/Output Section
Symbol Conventions
Function Code Designator - f
Function Code Modifier and Branch Designator - j
Operand Interpretation Designator - k
Index Designator - b
Operand Designator
List of Instructions
Page No.
Page No.
The UNIVAC® 422 Computer is a general-purpose,
solid-state, parallel binary computer de-
signed for indoctrinating new personnel in the
principles of digital data processing. Since the logic and circuits of
the computer are similar to those of large scale commercial computers,
civilian and industrial installations, including colleges, universities,
vocational schools and data-processing centers,
will find the 422 Computer extremely useful.
Major features of the 422 Computer include the
following: (1) Word Length - 15 bits
(2) Arithmetic - paralle 1, one's complement,
subtractive (3) Memory - magnetic core
·512 words
- cycle time 6 microseconds
- access time, 1.25 microseconds (4) Program -
internally stored
(5) Repertoire - 16 basic single address
instructions which can be modified by designators to produce
64 different instructions
(6) Instruction Time - add, 12 microseconds
- multiply 30-60 microseconds - divide 57
(7) Basic Clock Speed - 4 megacycles, 4 phase
(8) Power Requirements - 60 cycle, 115 V AC, 500 watts
(9) Peripheral Equipment - Typewriter unit with paper
tape reader and punch
(10) Input/Output - one pair of I/O channels
(11) Over-all Computer Size - 9 in. x 26 in. x 54 in.
(12) Over-all Typewriter Unit Size - 18 in. x 18 x 12
in. (Approx)
The 422 Computer emphasizes rapid communication with
external devices and is governed primarily by the speed of the equipment
connected to it.
Single address instructions are employed, with
instruction words of 15 bits.
Internal storage of the 422 consists of a 512-word
ferrite core memory. Control and Arithmetic Sections of the computer have
access to the Storage Section. A complete cycle for storage of a 15-bit
word from one of the sections requires six microseconds.
Arithmetic and logical operations are performed in the
parallel binary mode. In most instances, the result of an operation
appears in a IS-bit accumulator register (A). Arithmetic is one's
complement subtractive with a modulus (215 -1).
Computer operation is controlled by a stored program
capable of self-modification. The program instruction contains a 4-bit
function code, a 9-bit instruction operand, and 2 bits reserved for
instruction modification. Execution modifiers provide for address
incrementation, operand interpretation, branch-point designation, and
function code modification. For some instructions, the operand may be
increased by the amount contained in the index register (B). The operand
specified by the execution address can be interpreted as a IS-bit quantity
with or without sign
The UNIVAC® 422 Computer is a
general-purpose, solid-state, parallel binary computer de-
signed for indoctrinating new personnel
in the principles of digital data processing. Since the logic and circuits
of the computer are similar to those of large scale commercial computers,
civilian and industrial installations, including colleges, universities,
vocational schools and
data-processing centers, will find the 422
Computer extremely useful.
Major features of the 422 Computer
include the following: (1) Word Length - 15 bits
(2) Arithmetic - paralle 1, one's
complement, subtractive (3) Memory - magnetic core
·512 words
- cycle time 6 microseconds
- access time, 1.25 microseconds (4)
Program - internally stored
(5) Repertoire - 16 basic single
address instructions which can be modified by designators to
produce 64 different instructions
(6) Instruction Time - add, 12
- multiply 30-60 microseconds -
divide 57 microseconds
(7) Basic Clock Speed - 4 megacycles, 4
(8) Power Requirements - 60 cycle, 115 V
AC, 500 watts (Approx)
(9) Peripheral Equipment - Typewriter
unit with paper tape reader and punch
(10) Input/Output - one pair of I/O
(11) Over-all Computer Size - 9 in. x 26
in. x 54 in.
(12) Over-all Typewriter Unit Size - 18
in. x 18 x 12 in. (Approx)
The 422 Computer emphasizes rapid
communication with external devices and is governed primarily by the speed
of the equipment connected to it.
Single address instructions are employed,
with instruction words of 15 bits.
Internal storage of the 422 consists of
a 512-word ferrite core memory. Control and Arithmetic Sections of the
computer have access to the Storage Section. A complete cycle for storage
of a IS-bit word from one of the sections requires six microseconds.
Arithmetic and logical operations are
performed in the parallel binary mode. In most instances, the result of an
operation appears in a IS-bit accumulator register (A). Arithmetic is
one's complement subtractive with a modulus (215 -1).
Computer operation is controlled by a
stored program capable of self-modification. The program instruction
contains a 4-bit function code, a 9-bit instruction operand, and 2 bits
reserved for instruction modification. Execution modifiers provide for
address incrementation, operand interpretation, branch-point designation,
and function code modification. For some instructions, the operand may be
increased by the amount contained in the index register (B). The operand
specified by the execution address can be interpreted as a IS-bit quantity
with or without sign
extension. The next sequential program
step may be skipped, depending upon the contents of the B register. The
contents of the accumulator (A) or logical function (Q) register can also
cause a program jump to a remote address.
Communication between the 422 Computer
and its associated external equipment is accomplished under program
control. A communication path is established by a sequence of request
and response signals between external equipment and
computer. Such signals may originate in either the computer or the
external devices.
One pair of Input/Output channels is
provided with the computer. This pair of I/O channels provides six
parallel lines which are employed by the Typewriter Unit. The transfer
rate of input or output data over a given channel is determined by the
program, and the speed of the paper tape reader and
The Input/Output channels carry EXTERNAL
FUNCTION WORDS as well as data words to external equipment. These specify
the function desired of the external device. An EXTERNAL FUNCTION WORD to
the paper tape unit, for example, may specify "Enable Paper Tape
The computer is housed in two sections,
which are assembled into a single unit that is 9 inches deep, 26 inches
high, 54 inches wide. One chassis of logic modules is vertically oriented
within the unit. Logic modules consist of printed circuit cards which plug
into the chassis. Maintenance test points are readily accessible on each
of the chassis. The computer also contains a built-in card tester.
The 422 computer operates on 115-volt,
60-cycle power. Total power consumed by the computer and Typewriter unit
is approx. 500 watts. Under normal conditions no air conditioning or
water cooling is required. Therefore, the computer can be installed
wherever a convenience outlet is available.
The high instruction execution rate
gives the 422 Computer a data-processing capability far greater than that
possessed by regular training devices. The user can easily exploit this
capability by using the 422 Computer to solve a wide variety of problems.
The 422 Computer has been carefully
designed to meet the needs of both classroom and laboratory. For classroom
use, a group of students can easily observe the registers and controls of
the machine, and can learn proper operating procedures. All logical
elements are exposed, permitting the instructor to demonstrate the
functions of the individual circuits. In the laboratory, two or three
students may be assigned to the same machine at one time, yielding a
high-use factor and increasing the amount of actual machine time given to
each student.
The repertoire of instructions is
designed to cover the widest possible spectrum of programming orientation,
including program indexing (B-boxing). Beginning with simple arithmetic
problems, the trainee programmer can progress through programs of
increasingly greater difficulty. The physical construction of the 422
Computer is particularly suited to the training of computer maintenance
engineers and technicians. All sections of the computer are readily
for the development of skill in maintenance
and troubleshooting procedures.
A simplified block diagram of the 422
Computer appears in Figure 1. For explanatory purposes, The 422 Computer
may be considered as comprised of four major sections: Control,
Arithmetic, Storage, and Input/Output. The
operation of the various sections is discussed in the following
The Control Section consists of those
registers and circuits necessary to procure, modify, and execute
instructions of the program. The instruction word consists of 15 bits. The
upper 6 bits are called the "instruction", and the lower 9 bits
make up the "operand".
The F register receives the 6-bit
instruction and is called the Program Control Register.
The instruction remains in F while it is
being executed.
The 6-bit instruction is composed of f,
k, and b designators (see Figure 2). The 4-bit f designator determines
what instruction is being performed: add, subtract, shift, etc. The k
designator is used to detect the source of the operand, and the b
designator is used in conjunction with the
B register for indexing purposes. The k
designator and b designator are sometimes combined to form the j
designator. This enables the computer to have a larger, more versatile
repertoire of instructions.
The lower-order 9 bits of the instruction
word enter the X register and make up the operand, or
the address of the operand, of the
instruction being executed. These bits can be modified or
"indexed" by the B register, which is controlled by the b
In addition to the F register, the S,P
,and K registers are a part of the control section.
S - A 9-bit memory address register. Its
main function is the translation of the memory address for the current
instruction so that its contents can be obtained for processing.
P - A 9-bit program address register that
holds the address of the current instruction in memory.
During operation, the contents of the P
register are normally incremented by one in order to ad~ vance
the program to the next sequential instruction.
Kl and K2 - Four-bit registers employed
by the shift, multiply, and divide instructions. The contents of K 1 and
K2 are sampled to determine when the instruction has been completed.
The Arithmetic Section is that part of
the computer which performs numeric and logical calculations. Though
greatly simplified, Figure 1 shows the important components of the
Arithmetic Section: A, D, Q, and X registers and the "add"
The A register (15 bits) may be thought
of, for programming purposes, as a conventional accumulator. Because of
the logic employed, however, the A register does not feed directly into
the add network, but only receives the output of that network.
The Add operation is typical of the
relationship between the A, D, and X registers. The augend and addend are
initially contained in the A and D registers. As the Add instruction is
performed, the contents of the A register are transmitted to the X
register. This action makes the X register the main rank of the add
network; the D register serves as a second rank. The sum is formed in
parallel by the add network and placed in the A register.
The Q register (15 bits) receives
one-half of the double-length product from a multiply instruction, and
receives the quotient from a divide instruction. The contents of both A
and Q may
be shifted left or right, individually
or as one double-length, 30-bit word. The Q register is also employed as
the communication register to external equipment during Input/Output
The Storage Section consists of the main
memory stack, address translation logic, transfer register (2), and
control circuits.
The memory, constructed of modular
arrays of ferrite cores, has a capacity of 512 words of 15 bits each, is
coincident-current driven, and is addressed via the address translator.
of the referenced address is read into the
15-bit 2 register.
The memory operates in the destructive
read-out mode, and the time required to execute the
read/restore cycle is six microseconds.
The Input/Output Section includes a pair
of I/O channels and control circuits used by the 422
Computer for communicating with the
Typewriter unit. All communications into or out of the Typewriter unit
must pass through the lower 6 bits of the Q register. The same 6 bits are
used when sending the External Function to the Typewriter unit.
Because the Input/Output Section is
simplified, all data transmission and inputs are under control of the main
The Operator and Maintenance Control
Panel includes: (1) indicator lamps that display a detailed report of the
internal status of the computer, and (2) controls that allow varied,
manually governed operations. It is not necessary to monitor the panel
during normal operation.
Each register, except the B register and
K register, is represented on the control panel.
The registers are shown by a row of display
lamps, each of which indicates the contents of a corresponding register
The control panel is provided with manual
controls that permit the following special modes of operation:
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Execution of one master clock phase for
each depression of a switch
Execution of one sequence of a program
instruction for each depression of a switch Execution of one program
instruction for each depression of a switch
Operation that is normal or high speed
The panel includes a set of Jump and
Stop switches that can, in normal computer operation, govern the execution
of a select-jump instruction. If stop conditions are satisfied, the
computer stops and an indicator is lighted to show that the select stop
condition has been honored. In the case of the select-jump
condition, the computer will honor the jump only if the Select Jump switch
is engaged, and the proper instruction is executed.
The Master Clear switch is a spring-return
toggle that is used to clear all registers and control designators to
zero. This clearing action does not include the main storage.
This portion of the technical notes
presents the instruction repertoire (see Table 1) of the
422 Computer. Details presented are limited to the
needs of the programmer; therefore, only symbols, registers, terms, and
instruction characteristics pertinent to programming the Computer
are listed.
A s mentioned previously, the 422 Computer is a stored
program, single-address computer. Although this means that one reference
or address is provid,,;d for the execution of an instruction, this
reference can be modified automatically during a programmed sequence. The
references are modified by using the B (index)
register, which contains any previously stored constants. To modify the
address, the contents of the B register are added to the lower 9 bits of
the instruction word (Y).
A programmed address is coded using octal notation with
each octal digit denoting three binary digits. The instructions are read
sequentially from magnetic core storage except after Jump or Skip
The following symbols are used throughout the
descriptive material on instructions:
f k b
J ()
= Function code designator
= Operand interpretation designator =
Index designator
= Function code modifier and branch
= "contents of"
= Read next instruction
L(Y) (Q) = Bit-by-bit
multiplication of Y nand Qn. Logical Product
y (y) Y
x z
= Operand designator. Low-order 9
bits of the instruction word
= Indicates the operand is located
at the memory address specified by y
= Indicates the operand is y plus b
modification. (In the repertoire of instructions,
it means "the operand" regardless of its
source.) = nth
bit of the contents of memory address y
= Indicates the operand is located
at the memory address specifIed by y plus
b modification
= The A register (IS-bit arithmetic
register) = nth bit of the
contents of the A register
= The B or index register. Located
at memory address 0
= The D register (IS-bit
arithmetic register) = The
Q register (IS-bit arithmetic register) = Memory
Address Register (9 bits)
= The P or Program Address Register
(9 bits) = The F or Program
Control Register (6 bits)
= The X or exchange register (IS-bit
arithmetic register) = A
IS-bit non-addressable memory exchange register
The f designator (4 bits) appears in bit positions 11
through 14 of the instruction word, designating the function to be
performed by that instruction. All values of f are defined in the in-
struction list.