RCA Model M1 Wire Recorder
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RCA Wire Recorder Model M1

A reusable plug-in cartridge, loaded with a fine, steel wire recording medium, recorded up to one-half hour of information.

wpeA.gif (164880 bytes) wpeF.gif (215932 bytes) wpe12.gif (189382 bytes)

(click photo for larger view)

We need any manuals, brochures, servicing information or  history from people that have used one of these units.  


Wire Recorder history and theory and repair An interesting link!.


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RCAwire5.jpg (592994 bytes) RCAwire6.jpg (502624 bytes) RCAwire7.jpg (571477 bytes) 

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Larger versions of this are available to museum helpers.






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Material © SMECC 2007 or by other owners 

Contact Information for
Southwest Museum of Engineering,
Communications and Computation 

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Postal address 
smecc.org - Admin. 
Coury House / SMECC 
5802 W. Palmaire Ave 
Glendale, AZ 85301 

Electronic mail 
General Information: info@smecc.org