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Interesting Links into the Micro-World!

Science and Photography Through a Microscope






The Early History and Development of The Scanning Electron Microscope

Bernie C Breton CUED


http://xmission.com/%7Epsneeley/Personal/Leidy.htm   click to go

Joseph Leidy Microscopy Portal

What is this page?

I'm writing an article for Micscape on Joseph Leidy and his 1879 masterpiece,  'Fresh-Water Rhizopods of North America'.  I created this page for basically three reasons:


Microscopical Society of Southern California

http://www.msscweb. org

History of the Light Microscope

Check out this great presentation by MSSC member, Stuart Warter on the "History of the Light Microscope." PowerPoint version or PDF version. Note theses are large files, be patient after clicking the link.


The Academy of Natural Sciences

Use the search box  with the word microscope in it at this site ... enjoy much to see....
Microscopes from the Leidy Microscopical Society
and related books from the Ewell Sale Stewart Library

The National Museum of Health and Medicine has an interesting book on the history of the microscope available for free download. It is 264 pages with lots of pictures.

The link is:

http://nmhm. washingtondc. museum/microscop e/index.html

Here's info from the web site:

"Evolution of the Microscope" displays items from the world's
largest and most representative collection in tracing the
development of the basic tool of the bioscientist over the last 400
years. The exhibit includes the 17th-century, handcrafted, leather
and gold-tooled microscope used by Robert Hooke in the preparation
of "Micrographia, " one of the first books ever written about
observations made through a microscope.


Microscopy Today

OLYMPUS Your Vision, Our Future Olympus Microscope History 
MOS  Homepage Boston

I am pleased to announce the completely revised and updated edition of
"Microscopy & Imaging Resources on the WWW" is now available at a new
URL.  The goal of this site has always been to provide resources for
University students, staff and faculty who want to learn more about
microscopy and imaging.  The site includes K-12 educational links,
information on Light Microscopy, Histology, Confocal Microscopy,
Fluorescence Techniques, Electron Microscopy, and Digital Imaging.


"Microscopy & Imaging Resources on the WWW" is an outreach of the Southwest
Environmental Health Sciences Center, which is funded by the National
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS is one of the National
Institutes of Health, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human

Doug Cromey
Manager, Experimental Pathology Core, SWEHSC
: Douglas W. Cromey, M.S.          Dept. of Cell Biology & Anatomy  :
: Research Specialist, Principal   University of Arizona            :
: (office:  AHSC 4212A)            P.O. Box 245044                  :
: (voice:  520-626-2824)           Tucson, AZ  85724-5044   USA     :
: (FAX:  520-626-2097)             (NEW email: Cromey@Arizona.edu)  :
    Home of: "Microscopy and Imaging Resources on the WWW"


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