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Rush Reunited With Boyhood Radio
May 16, 2003

People ask me all the time when did I first discover I wanted to go into radio and why. I can honestly trace it back to when I was about ten years old, and it's real simple to explain why, which you can hear me do in the audio link below.

Part of my discovery came in the form of a toy radio called a Remco Caravelle. I was certain there wasn’t a soul in my audience who knew what a
Remco Caravelle was, unless you remembered the one or two times I talked about it over the course of 14 years. My mother gave it to me for Christmas in 1962 when I was eleven.

Turns out there was a soul out there, Jim Patrick of Florida, who not only knew what a Remco Caravelle was, but had one in his possession and sent it to me. I couldn’t believe it! He also sent along the cover of the Sears catalog from which it was ordered, and the page advertising the toy.

Now you can imagine what happened to a young Maha Rushie getting his hands on a toy like this. The thing allowed me to broadcast on any frequency I chose over AM radio. It didn’t really have much range and only worked in my house, but it had a little microphone and I could play records and such. I had an audience of one, my mother, who would dutifully listen to me playing disc jockey with this thing. It was great, and the best way to describe how I felt receiving this incredible gift from Jim Patrick was instant nostalgia. The care and precision this man he took to package and ship this piece of precious memory to me is touching. It's a tremendous thing that he's done and I can't thank him enough.
Listen to Rush...
(…reminisce about his early childhood toy)
(…talk about the early days of young Rush discovering his passion)
(…crunch out the inflation calculations pertaining to the toy's cost then and now)
See Photos of the Remco Caravelle ...
(Caravelle Radio Transmitter/Receiver)
(Caravelle Instructions)
(1962 Sears and Roebuck Catalog)



View Caravelle Radio Transmitter/Receiver> || View 1962 Sears & Roebuck Catalog>
1962 Sears and Roebuck Catalog
May 15, 2003

The Caravelle Radio Transmitter/Receiver
May 15, 2003

View Caravelle Instructions> || View 1962 Sears & Roebuck Catalog>



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