Total Parts For
Model 800 TV Camera
1 AT1 hex alignment tool
1 BR49yoke clamp bracket
1 CA2325' coax cable (CA13)
2 CB19cabinet panels
1 CH59 chassis
1 CL37 yoke clamp
1 CL38 vidicon clamp
3 CN6 .001 mfd, silver mica
8 CN1 2.1 mfd, 400 V
4 CN34 .001 mid disc ceramic
1CN40270 pf tubular ceramic
1CN77200/200 mid, 150 V electrolytic
1CN81100 pf tubular ceramic
7CN86.01 mid, 1kv disc ceramic
1CN8840l20120l2o mfd 150 V electrolytic
2CN1115mfd, 10 V electrolytic
2CN112100 mfd, 10 V electrolytic
1CN12710 pf tubular ceramic
2CN134.47 mid, 200 V
1CN1454.5-25 pf NPO ceramic trimmer
5CN14950 mid, 200 V electrolytic
2C036peaking coils (red dot)
2C053peaking coils (blue dot)
1C080TV i-f coil
1C0105focus coil
1C0106deflection coil
4CR4germanium diodes
1CR9silicon diode (IN625)
1EC12printed circuit board
1FU81 ampere slow-blow fuse
2GR13/8" rubber grommets
1HA14carrying handle
2HA30metal capacitor mounting wafers
4HA31potentiometer ground lugs
4HA32plastic feet
1HA56tripod socket
1HA57lens mount
1HA58top strip
1HA59top spacer strip
1HA60handle spacer
1HA61socket spacer
1HA62bottom spacer strip
1HA63bottom strip
1HA6410' solder (HA8)
1IN21fuse holder
1IN2514" spaghetti (IN11)
4KN7round black knobs
1LEI25 mm f 1.9 "C" mount lens
1LP8pilot lamp and clip
4LU5solder lugs
12NUl6-32 hex nuts
19NU38-32 hex nuts
14NU54-40 hex nuts
4NU128-32 cap nuts
1PA26front panel
1PAZ 7rear panel
1PC6power cord
1PL6coaxial cable plug with adapter
washer and nut
3P045500-Kpotentiometer with lock
washer and nut
5P07450-K pc potentiometer
1P075500-K pc potentiometer
1RE951-k 112-watt resistor, 5%
1RE28470-ohm 112-watt resistor
3RE294.7-k 112-watt resistor
5RE301-k 112-watt resistor
4RE3110-k 112-watt resistor
2RE3322-k 112-watt resistor
4RE3547-k 112-watt resistor
4RE36100-k 112-watt resistor
1RE38470-k 112-watt resistor
4RE391 megohm 112-watt resistor
2RE453.3-k 112-watt resistor
2RE4668- ohm 112-watt resistor
2RE482. 7-k 112-watt resistor
2RE495.6-k 112-watt resistor
1RE53560-k 112-watt resistor
1RE65120-k 112-watt resistor
1RE712.7 megohm 112-watt resistor
1RE78120-ohm 112-watt resistor
2RE931.8 megohm 112-watt resistor
1RE1101.8-k 112-watt resistor
2RE1111.2-k 1/2-watt resistor
2RE113270-ohm 112-watt resistor
1RE1461.2 megohm 112-watt resistor
1RS71-k I-watt resistor
1RS28470-ohm I-watt resistor
1RS502.2-k 2-watt resistor
1RS684.7-ohm fusible resistor
1RS73200-ohm 2-watt resistor
10SC11/4" x 6-32 screws
9SC43/8" x 8-32 screws
12SC61/4" x 4-40 screws
4SC133/8" x 6-32 screws
4SC231" x 8-32 screws
2SC393/8" x 4-40 screws
4SC431/4" x 8-32 screws
4SC58No.6 st screws
2SC661/2" x 10-24 screws
2SC 737/8" x 8-32 flat head screws
2S0299 pin pc sockets
1S037chassis coax connector
3S0479-pin shield base pc sockets
1S073vidicon socket
2SR8dual silicon rectifiers
1ST52-lug terminal strip
3ST298-lug terminal strip
1SW30spst slide switch
1TR58power transformer
3TU796U8A tube
2TU826FD7 tube
1TU897038 vidicon tube
4WA143/8" flat washers
25WA15No.6 lockwashers
19WA16No.8 lockwashers
1WR2113'black andwhitetwisted wire
(211) 1WR2474' red wire (101)
1WR2487' blue wire (113)
1WR2494' yellow wire (129)
1WR25010" flexible black wire (214)
1WR2516" flexible red wire (215)
1WR2525" flexible blue wire (213)
1WR25314" flexible white wire (216)